similar to: trouble using mat2listw function to create spatial weights object

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "trouble using mat2listw function to create spatial weights object"

2013 Nov 29
mat2listw function
Hi all, I am attempting to create a weights object and perform a Moran I test as well. I have a very large spatial weights matrix (roughly 22,000x22,000) that was created in Excel and read into R, and I'm now trying to implement: library(spdep) SW=mat2listw(matrix) I am getting the following error: Error in if (any(x<0)) stop ("values in x cannot be negative"): missing value
2007 Oct 15
Distance matrix in SpDep-package
Hello everybody, I would like to use the SpDep-package (especially the Local Moran index analysis and the Getis-Ord statistics) in R for analysing my data. However, I don't have x-y coordinates, but my data is in a distance matrix format. Is it possible to use the SpDep package with predefined distances as well instead of letting the program determining the distance itself by the function
2004 Aug 25
Newbie Question: Spatial Autocorrelation with R Tutorial?
Howdy All, I am looking for some good tutorials (books, websites, whatever) for calculating/testing for Spatial Autocorrelation using R. Specifically, I am wanting to test for autocorrelation of a number of variables measured at a set of discrete locations. Up to this point I have been exploring the "spdep" package and I can get "moran.test" to work, but I am concerned that
2004 Dec 09
Spatial Probit in R
Estimation of spatial probit models is as far as I know not implemented functions in the spdep package of R. I am looking for a scripting that handles both endogeneity and heteroscedasticity in spatial probit models. This estimator was first suggested by Case (1992). If someone could provide me with such an R-script I would be most grateful. Moreover I would be interested in obtaining script for
2009 Nov 05
analysing HTS assay plates for spatial effects
Hi, I'm have some data on a grid (specifically high throughput assay plates) and am interested in evaluating measures of spatial autocorrelation to flag plates for corrections. I have been using moran.test and geary.test from the spdep package. My approach is as follows: ## plate is a matrix of data coords <- expand.grid(1:32, 1:48) x <- as.numeric(plate) moran.test(x,
2005 Jan 30
New for spdep?
Hello List, I'm a very new user to the R system. I'm only beginning to learn the basics, but so far I've been able to do little more than try a few examples, and of course begin reading the documentation. My primary motivation for exploring R is the availability of tools like the 'spdep' package for calculating spatial statistics such as Geary's C and Moran's
2009 Jan 07
troubles performing Moran.I test
dear R users, I have troubles performing Moran.I test as suggested on my spatial data are longitude and lattitide of communities. The calculation of the inverse distance matrix according to the homepage (using my data) datAL <- read.csv2("C:\\Konvergenz AL.csv", header=T) ALdist <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(datAL$L?nge,
2007 Feb 06
How to do "moran's I test"?
I want to do "moran's I test" in R language. I try to use "gearymoran" in Package "ade4","moran" in Package "spdep", and Moran.I in Package "ape". But I do not know how to do it because data format is different. My data: x y dbh 111.03 10.7 7 118.11 0.28 1.2 165.36 0.36 8.4
2004 Apr 26
Spatial Autocorrelation for point data
Hi R helpers, Is there a function (package?) in R available which tests "spatial autocorrelation" between points (e.g. vector layer of weather stations)? (e.g. Moran's I...) Via the archives we found out that there is a package 'spdep' which uses grid data for testing spatial autocorrelation. Thanks a lot, Jan
2007 May 14
a question about spatial autocorrelation in R
Dear all, I am currently facing a problem related to the spatial autocorrelation of a sample of stations; these stations supply weekly data for a fixed time-window during the year (namely, 4-6 months per year). For this reason I'm trying to use the R package 'spdep' (specifically Moran's I) in order to get rid of it. Does anyone know how is it possible (if it is...) to
2008 Apr 18
spdep question - Moran's I
Dear all, I would like to calculate a Moran's I statistic using the moran function in the spdep package. The problem I'm having deals with how to create the listw object. My data stems from the area of social network analysis. I have list of poeple and for each pair of them I have a measure of their relationship strength. So my dataset looks like: Jim; Bob; 0.5 This measure of
2009 Jun 06
large numbers of observations using ME() of spdep
Dear All, We aim to remove the spatial structure of our data using Moran Eigen Vectors and spdep package . Our data has 3694 samples and 13 variables. The computer stop working after almost 4 days of processing (we found it emitting a sharp sound and with all colors on the screen. No wories, it was restared without problem!). And we are left with nothing: no result file was produced since the
2002 Sep 11
Question about spatial statistics
I?m tryng to use the SPDEP package in my research in the field of population genetics. My data set has the following format: - x and y : coordinates, - Z: allelic frequency in each loci (in a total of 8 locis) - this variable can assume the values 0 ; 0.5 or 1. The objective is to verify if there is a possible spatial autocorrelation structure of the allelic frequency in a population of
2013 Jan 30
Warning: Spatial weights matrix not row standardized
Hi, R users, I am doing Lagrange Multiplier Test Statistics for Spatial Autocorrelation with "spdep" and got this warning message: "Spatial weights matrix not row standardized". It is a warning, not an error. I am wondering if this is a problem. Thanks! Gary [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jul 01
RE: question about spatial correlation with Xs and Ys
-----Original Message----- From: r-help-request at [mailto:r-help-request at] Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:09 AM To: r-help at Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1 At 18:48 30/06/2003, Martin Wegmann wrote: >hello, > >I want to do a test for spatial correlation. >I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the
2004 Jun 18
how to store estimates results as scalars of a matrix?
Dear R users, I've written a loop to generate Moran's test (spdep package) on serval subsamples of a large dataset. See below a short example. My loop is working fine, however I would like to be able to store the test results as lines of a matrix, that I would latter be able to export as a dataset. My problem is that I'm not sure how I could do this using R. Any help will be much
2010 Nov 29
Moran I for very large data set
Hi Are there any more efficient ways of calculating the neighbourhood object for large datasets? I am trying to compute Moran I statistics for a very large data set (over 14,000 points). I have been using moran.test from the spdep package and everything works fine for a small data set (200 points). However, applying the same script to the whole dataset is taking days to compute (it so far has
2005 Nov 17
Morans I for Spatial Surveillance
Hello, I am interested in using Morans I for different time intervals to detect disease clusters. Ultimately I would like to use CUSUM - or similar monitoring statistic to monitor the results of Morans I - similar to the work by Rogerson (2005) Spatial Surveillance and Cummulative Sum Methods in Spatial and Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health. Thus far - thanks to the list I have
2003 Nov 14
spatial modeling
I am new to R and have a question about spatial econometrics. I have noticed that you can easily test for spatial autocorrelation with the spdep package, but was wondering if any code has been written to correct for spatial autocorrelation? Or if there is any literature on this? Thanks. -Jill *************************************************** Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Ph.D. Assistant
2005 Nov 16
spatial statistics on images, any packages?
Hi list, Is there a package that covers the evaluation of spatial statistics on images and not on point data? I've converted an image matrix to x, y coordinates and a measurement value but evaluation with the package spdep (not really designed for image data I suppose) is unworkable. Any suggestions? Regards, Koen