Sara Carvalho
2013-Jun-03 17:55 UTC
[R] interpretation of flexsurvreg output from flexsurv package
Dear all, I am fitting a parametric regression model to survival data using the flexsurvreg function from the flexsurv package. I am using a Gompertz distribution (a 2-parameter distribution) to describe the hazard function and I want to compare two groups. The model is very simple: flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(day, censored) ~ group, dist = "gompertz") and the output is also quite simple: Maximum likelihood estimates: est L95% U95% shape 0.44600 0.40000 0.49200 rate 0.00406 0.00263 0.00628 group B -0.31800 -0.61700 -0.01820 N = 407, Events: 174, Censored: 233 Total time at risk: 3007 Log-likelihood = -482.789, df = 3 AIC = 971.578 Shape and rate are self-explanatory: they are the estimates of the (Gompertz hazard) distribution. It's the interpretation of the covariate coefficient estimate that I'm struggling with. In the flexsurv package help file it is stated that " Covariates are included through a linear model on the parameter of the distribution which determines its mean, for example, the "location", "scale" or "rate" parameter (...)". For the Gompertz distribution, this would be the "rate" parameter. Does this mean that the hazard of group B is described by a Gompertz distribution with the same shape as that of group A but with rate0.00406-0.318? This yields a negative estimate of rate (that is, a negative background hazard for group B), which doesn't make any sense. Any clarification on this would be appreciated. Thanks! Sara Carvalho [[alternative HTML version deleted]]