I got the same results. How I got the results out of the query was
the problem. It helps to check the Rails API before posting:)
select_all and find_by_sql returns the result in the following:
"returns an array of record hashes with the column names as keys and
column values as values."
So therefore in my query to get the value of the result after I set
the query to the variable @sum
Since I am looking for just a one result line I will end up using
select_one which follows a different slightly different model when
returning the results:
"Returns a record hash with the column names as keys and column values
as values."
When using the existing variable from before, would mean that:
would give me the desired result.
On Aug 14, 9:33 am, "Bowman, Eric R"
wrote:> I was trying to do SUM based mySQL query simliar to the following:
> SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups
> If I were to run this command in the mySQL console I would get a
> result. However, if I were to run it using the following command in
> Rails:
> Signup.find_by_sql("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from
> signups")
> The query that is written to the log is:
> SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups
> Like I said before, if I take that query to the mySQL console, I get
> the expected result, however the result to the view is simply #
> NOW, if take the query and put it in with:
> Signup.connection.select_all("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS
> total from signups")
> I get the expected result to the view and the same SQL code is written
> to the log
> What is the difference then in find_by_sql and connection.select_all
> My initial guess is that find_by_sql is expecting a normal find(:all)
> based result that follows the model format whereas
> connection.select_all allows any sort of SQL code and gives the result
> required.
> Any thoughts or comments appreciated.
> -E
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