Displaying 20 results from an estimated 72 matches for "updated_on".
2006 Apr 16
conditional updated_on update
Hi list,
I''ve got some counter_caches in a model. When these get incremented - say on
a page view - my updated_on column also gets updated. How can I
conditionally not update updated_on if just these counter_cache columns
The problem with that is that I am using acts_as_versioned which clones the
record each time updated_on changes. I am successfully ignoring the
counter_cache fields in acts_as_versio...
2006 May 29
override automatic update of updated_on column
i know that title sounds confusing, but here is the deal:
the two columns that we are concerned with for this question are the "updated_on" column and the "views" column. the views column increases everytime a user visits a certain page. like this:
@object.update_attributes(:views => @object.views + 1)
the problem is that when a user visits the page, it AUTOMATICALLY updates the "update_on" column with...
2006 Apr 26
accessing created_on causes type error
I assume that this is some newbie stupidity, but I haven''t found my
way around this problem. I have an ActiveRecord object fetched
from the database, and I need to evaluate the contents of the
updated_on field. However, *any* attempt to access that data in the
program results in a TypeError with the message ''no implicit conversion
from nil to integer''.
cust = Customer.find(:first, :conditions => ["custid = ?", custid]
if cust.updated_on.nil?
...never gets here
2006 May 24
AR many-many join tables - can they have created_on, updated_on ?
Hello all,
I''m creating a many-many join table between ''homes'' and ''users''. Can it
contain created_on? will AR update created_on, updated_on on this table?
CREATE homes_users (
home_id int not null,
user_id int not null,
created_on datetime null,
updated_on datetime null
Thanks for your advice!
Apple MacBook. Black. It''s the new White!
Peter Fitzgibbons
2006 May 31
detecting changed data
I am working on an application where there are many different screens to
access the data in a particular record/row. I have links to each data
entry screen at the top. Is there a way to detect whether the current
hash has been changed from the stored record so I can prompt the user if
they attempt to change screens without having saved their changes to the
2005 Dec 27
created_on & updated_on - helper to display date only
My initial list is rather busy. I would like to shorten the
created_on and updated_on fields to just display the date, not the
time. Best wold be a simple 12/28/05 type of presentation.
I''ve found the format helpers in rdoc. (ie.
distance_of_time_in_words_to_now ), but none seem to be what I''m
looking for.
How do I control the date format of a timestamp field?...
2005 Dec 22
help with unless
I need a fresh set of eyes to look at this bit of controller code and tell
me why I might be getting an error message:
lookup = Profit.find(:all, :conditions => [ "user_id = ? AND
product_id = ?", uid, pid])
unless lookup.empty?
if (lookup.updated_on > 360.minutes.ago)
If lookup is empty, then I get an error message that
lookup.updated_ondoesn''t exist. I''ve tried
lookup.nil? but lookup gets returned in the form of [] so that empty works.
But if lookup is empty should not t...
2006 Apr 25
Newbie - Grouping of items...
...ages, comments, lists etc) an enrty gets added
to the log along with the project. I can see this being an overkill and
the duplication of data is not correct.
(2) In my controller perform a query that searches every model for every
item against a given project_id. The order the results by "updated_on".
Then select the last 5 for each result. This seems really complicated
and perfoms many SQL queries
Does rails/ruby have a better way of achieving this? What have you done
in your projects that works reliably and quickly?
Many thanks
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2005 Dec 19
created_on, created_at defaulting to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Hello all,
Rails 1.0.0
created_on is being set to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Any ideas on this ?
Schema is
create table user_login_history (
id int identity(1,1) not null,
user_id int not null,
created_on datetime default(getdate()) not null,
created_at datetime default(getdate()) not null,
updated_on datetime default(getdate()) not null,
constraint pk_user_login_history primary key clustered (id),
constraint fk_user_login_history_users foreign key (user_id) references
ruby script/console
>> Time.now
=> Mon Dec 19 14:39:53 Central Standard Time 2005
>> ulh = UserLogin...
2007 Aug 14
find_by_sql vs connection.select_all
I was trying to do SUM based mySQL query simliar to the following:
SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups
If I were to run this command in the mySQL console I would get a
result. However, if I were to run it using the following command in
Signup.find_by_sql("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from
The query that is written to...
2006 Apr 14
Newbie stuff (.new method)
Ruby 1.8.2 Rails 1.1
so I''m trying to build my first rails app and I''m trying to understand
how the helper methods work. For instance .new & .save . For instance,
I''ve created a table of Objects, and generated a scaffold. I see that
in the controller, there are calls to Object.new and Object.save. I''m
assuming that these are methods inherited
2007 Mar 17
Created_on and updated_on in a non-ActiveRecord model
...g an ActiveRecord model, according to the tips
stated in [1]. It is simulated because even though I am gonna save the
attributes in a file, not in a DB, I still want the validations made by
ActiveRecord::Base (see code below).
Well, the thing is that I also want the behaviour of the created_on and
updated_on columns, that get modified automatically before saving.
The problem is that I have my own "save" method and it does not work
(remember this is not a real ActiveRecord model). I''ve tried to set the
before_create and before_updated methods but they does not work (see
code below)....
2008 Jun 16
call_backs Is it?
I have the models
1.ServiceDeskTicket with fields
id --- number --- service_desk_status_id -- created_on -- updated_on
2.ServiceDeskActivity with fields
id -- service_desk_ticket_id -- description -- created_on --
id -- service_desk_ticket_id -- attachment -- created_on --
Relations as
ServiceDeskticket has_many service_desk_activities
2005 Dec 23
OO model style: inheritance
...e to add more features in future I am trying
to design a clean OO architecture of my models:
The base object should be NODE. All other objects
extend NODE, those are GALLERY and IMAGE (a GALLERY
consists of 0..* IMAGEs). Each NODE has an owner
(user_id) plus some default fields like created_on and
updated_on. Futhermore there is an object COMMENT
which can be attached to any object that extends NODE
(belongs_to NODE).
According to this design I modeled the db schema as
CREATE TABLE `nodes` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default ''0'',...
2006 Jun 20
find ''newest'' of a model
I have a model which has the created_on and updated_on fields. I would
like to find the newest instances of my model from the database(for
instance, last 10), but as I''m only 6 weeks into my Rails development, I''m
not entirely sure how to do it. Any suggestions?
2005 Dec 31
Disabling updated_at/updated_on
Is it possible to disable the update of "updated_(at|on)" columns when
using acts_as_list methods for example ?
2005 Dec 27
Trouble combining :has_many, :finder_sql and :conditions to create a sub-search
...:dependent => true,
:finder_sql => ''SELECT DISTINCT p.*
FROM people p
WHERE (p.works_for_id = #{id} OR
p.shops_at_id = #{id})'',
:order => "updated_on DESC"
Meanwhile people is an STI:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
class Employee < Person
belongs_to :store,
:foreign_key => ''works_for_id''
class Shopper < Person
belongs_to :store,
:foreign_key => ...
2006 Jan 05
ActiveRecord setting IDs on auto increment fields
...ecord shouldn''t need to force a value, no?
the table looks like this:
CREATE TABLE `industries_risks` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`industry_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`risk_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`created_on` datetime default NULL,
`updated_on` datetime default NULL,
) TYPE=InnoDB;
the code in question is almost directly ripped from this tutorial:
def update
if @params[:risk_id]
@industry.risks = Risk.find(@params[:risk_id]) if @pa...
2006 Jun 13
four days on rails - nil object when you didnt expect it
...sing the issue not all of
<% for category in @categories %>
<td><%= category["category"] %></td>
<td><%= category["created_on"].strftime("%I:%M %p %d-%b-%y") %></td>
<td><%= category["updated_on"].strftime("%I:%M %p %d-%b-%y") %></td>
<td><%= link_to ''Edit'', :action => ''edit'', :id => category%></td>
<td><%= link_to ''Delete'', {:action => ''destroy'', :i...
2005 Dec 25
SQLite primary key schema
...;'id'' column, which breaks all kinds of things.
Take as an example my ''users'' table. In Postgres the schema is
(generated with pgAdmin III):
id serial NOT NULL,
login varchar(80),
"password" varchar(255),
created_on timestamp,
updated_on timestamp,
avatar varchar(255),
ALTER TABLE users OWNER TO george;
Everything works just dandy until we cross over to the SQLite world:
id serial NOT NULL,
login character varying(80),
"password" cha...