search for: signup

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 510 matches for "signup".

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2006 Jun 16
rake spec controller test output hideus.
...ut if an error occurs on something that is not nil it just gives me the entire contents of that object and that is no small matter when the object is a HTTP request response. Here is the example of the spec. specify "should not allow new users without the correct fields" do post :signup, :user => { :login => "newbob", :password => "newpassword", :password_confirmation => "wrong" , :email => ""} response.session[:user] User.find_by_login("ne...
2005 Sep 02
Form to update two tables
...orms with select fields but not with just text fields, the difference being that with selects, the id to be copied already exists before the form is submitted, whereas in my case, the company id is created after submittal (is that a word?) of the form. Would be grateful for any help. Cheers SIGNUP.RHTML ----------- <%= start_form_tag :action=> "signup" %> <div title="Account signup" id="signupform" class="form"> <h3>Signup</h3> <%= error_messages_for ''user'' %><br/> <label for=&...
2008 Jul 09
loverays invites you to join Zorpia
...hat is Zorpia? It is an online community that allows you to upload unlimited amount of photos, write journals and make friends. We also have a variety of skins in store for you so that you can customize your homepage freely. Join now for free! Please click the following link to join Zorpia: This message was delivered with the loverays's initiation. If you wish to discontinue receiving invitations from us, please click the following link: at xi...
2007 Aug 14
find_by_sql vs connection.select_all
I was trying to do SUM based mySQL query simliar to the following: SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups If I were to run this command in the mySQL console I would get a result. However, if I were to run it using the following command in Rails: Signup.find_by_sql("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups") The query that is written to the log is: SELECT SUM(updated_on...
2006 Mar 08
email signup/splash page
Does anyone know the easiest way to put up a splash page where people can add their email addresses to be notified when the site is ready? I want regular visitors to be directed to this page. How can i have this and still be able to test/develop the site? I know a lot of web apps do this while still developing, so i''m looking for a solution that i''m sure exists, but i cant
2006 Mar 03
Quick question about @params
I was looking through the loginGenerator code and noticed the following: Login: User.authenticate(@params[:user_login], @params[:user_password]) Signup User.authenticate(@user.login, @params[:user][:password]) The syntax of the call in the signup code confused me...what exactly does @params[:user][:password] this return to me? Is the params structure a multi-dimensional array? I would have thought that the login and signup use of params wou...
2006 Jul 25
Creating records in two models in a RESTful way.
Hey everyone, I have a philosophical question here. Say I have a website that uses two models for accounts: Person and Company. Normally I would just have /accounts/new for user signup. However, the RESTful way to do it is to have /people and /companies. Unfortunately, this doesn''t account for a situation where you''d have a one-page signup form. I wouldn''t want this to be a two page process, because somebody could close their browser mid-process and...
2006 Jul 07
question about routes and using flash for navigation
I have a flash movie that I''m using for site navigation.. I have links such as: ''/site/signup'', ''/site/login'' and ''/site/faq'' where site is my controller and signup, login or faq are my actions.. I also have the following routes defined in routes.rb: map.connect "/", :controller => "site", :action => "index"...
2006 Jun 24
DRY up link_to_remote and its url_for
In an attempt to provide a gracefully degradable link_to_remote, I repeat myself every time: <%= link_to_remote(''Signup'', {:url => {:controller => ''user'', :action => ''signup''}}, {:href => url_for(:controller => ''user'', :action => ''signup'')}) %> Looked around the RDoc & this forum, I couldn''t se...
2006 May 06
login generator always give login unsuccessfull
hi guys, i just did what it is written in this website to genrate login at the end i add to the database login and password but when i tried to login it give me login unsuccessfull can anyone help me thanks notice: i m beginner in webdeveloppement and especially ruby on rails -- Posted via
2007 Oct 01
how to spec views
I''m trying to spec a view but haven''t done much view specing. This view render different partials depending on authentication of the user: annon, admin, player So I I''ll write if conditionals in the view with the partials it "should render signup propaganda for annon users trying to view games" do render "/games/index.rhtml" @logged_in?.should eql(false) response.should render_template(''_signup_propaganda'') end Now for my partial I know it''ll be wrapped all in a div with a class=&quot...
2005 Aug 07
Ajax forms and redirects
Here is an example that seems perfect for Ajax that I have not seen implemented nor can figure out how to do it. I am hoping someone can give me some pointers. On the sign-up page, I would like to do my validations (password length, username uniqueness,etc ) Ajax-style. But if all validates, then redirect to the success page. The combining of redirection to a new page with Ajax is throwing me.
2006 Feb 01
Bus error when running Hieraki
I have been trying to set up Hieraki 2.0.1 and I cannot seem to get it running. I am running on FreeBSD 5.4, Ruby 1.8.4, Apache 2.0.55, Mysql 4.1.16, ruby-mysql 2.7, mod_scgi 1.9, scgi_rails 4.3 and Rails 1.0. I can start up the wiki, get it to display the home page, and when I click on the signup link the signup form displays. When I fill in the signup form and click the signup button, the hieraki app crashes with a bus error. When I look in the log, it appears that it has inserted the user information into the users table and it has inserted a row into the pages table. Right after the in...
2011 Mar 01
Writing Rspec for signup using facebook
Hi, We are using omniauth for signup through Facebook and twitter. Is there any way i can check this by rspec controllers since it contains callbacks n i think we may have to use mock models. If there is any link or documentation please let me know so that i can start implementing. -- Posted via
2002 Aug 05
2013 Feb 28
Consolidated Signup for Community Services
...g, and ReviewBoard ( still uses its own internal authentecation, but we plan to migrate it some day. To make this more obvious, and to streamline account creation, we now have a single place for creating community accounts: Existing accounts will be unaffected; we've only changed how you sign up for a new account. If you have any issues with the new signup service, please contact us at asteriskteam at Thank you for your support! -- Digium's Asterisk Development Team
2013 Feb 28
Consolidated Signup for Community Services
...g, and ReviewBoard ( still uses its own internal authentecation, but we plan to migrate it some day. To make this more obvious, and to streamline account creation, we now have a single place for creating community accounts: Existing accounts will be unaffected; we've only changed how you sign up for a new account. If you have any issues with the new signup service, please contact us at asteriskteam at Thank you for your support! -- Digium's Asterisk Development Team
2011 Jun 09
failing integration test
...bout'' response.should render_template(''pages/about'') end it "should have a Help page at ''/help''" do get ''/help'' response.should render_template(''pages/help'') end it "should have a signup page at ''/signup''" do get ''/signup'' response.should render_template(''users/new'') end end Here is my routes.rb: ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| ''/contact'', :controller => '...
2008 Jun 13
Alternative to storing ActiveRecord object in session
I''m writing a wizard-like module in my application where, in a series of steps, the user builds upon an ActiveRecord object, and in the end, saves the AR object into the database. The ActiveRecord object is fairly complex, with a has_many association that could potentially get large, so I don''t want to store it directly in the session. In fact, having done so already caused a
2007 Jan 09
assert_redirected_to not working as expected
I''ve installed the "acts_as_authenticated" plugin and made some modifications to the controller (app/controllers/account_controller.rb) "signup" module as follows: === def signup @page_title = ''Create Account'' @user =[:user]) if if session[:user] = User.authenticate(@user.login, @user.password) redirect_to(:controller => ''/home...