Hi This is Candice from Newcastle University. I am now coming across some problems with the programming of R. It is like this. I am asked to run three models based on a sample of CPI: Random walk Recursive AR(4) Rolling AR(4) 1.Based on the papers I find, I think the random walk may be similar to an AR(1) model (if with drift). But I am not sure whether this is right? 2.For the recursive model, I found a command named filter. m4=filter(Z,filter=c(c1,c2,c3,c4),method="recursive",side=1) However, since it is not a simulating process, I cannot define the coefficients. But this type of command needs specific coefs. And I also try another code like m=filter(Z,rep(1,5),method="recursive",side=1). However, this command is applied to MA models.By doing rep(1,5), I think this means I define all the coefs to be 1. Additionally, I tried the ?fiter. But there are not that relevant examples. 3.For the rolling AR(4) model. In fact, I have done a rollapply command for 12 years rolling windows for previous questions. I think the methodology for the merge command should be used. Since rolling is a bit like a process of merging and moving on. But I do not know, in order to run a rolling AR(4) model, which command should I pick? PS. If any additional packages like the TSA, need to be installed, please tell me. Thank you very much! I am really looking forward to hear from you. Best Regards Candice [[alternative HTML version deleted]]