similar to: puzzles of Finance data programming with R

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2004 Aug 17
An entire data frame which is a time-series?
I have : raw <- read.table("monthly.text", skip=3, sep="|", col.names=c("junk", "junk2", "wpi", "g.wpi", "wpi.primary", "g.wpi.primary", "wpi.fuel", "g.wpi.fuel", "wpi.manuf", "g.wpi.manuf",
2011 Jan 14
[LLVMdev] Compiler Centric Career Opportunities in finance
Hi -- I'm working with a number of finance companies in New York City and Chicago which are looking to develop languages and platforms in order to process extremely large datasets. As such, we are looking for people with experience and / or interest in programming language and compiler design -- hence my posting on the LLVM mailing list. Goldman Sachs most famously developed Slang and
2004 Aug 21
Puzzled at lm() and time-series
I tried toy problems and there doesn't seem to be a basic problem between lm() and ts objects: X = data.frame(x=c(1,2,7,9), y=c(7,2,3,1)) lm(y ~ x, X) X <- lapply(X, function(x) ts(x, frequency=12, start=c(1994,7))) lm(y ~ x, X) and this works fine - whether you do an lm() before or after making ts objects, it's okay. But I have a situation where things aren't okay.
2010 Jan 13
Hi I would like to understand how to extend the function (FUN) I am using in rollapply below. ###################################### With the following simplified data, test1 yields parameters for a rolling regression data = data.frame(Xvar=c(70.67,70.54,69.87,69.51,70.69,72.66,72.65,73.36), Yvar =c(78.01,77.07,77.35,76.72,77.49,78.70,77.78,79.58)) data.z = zoo(d) test1 =
2005 Aug 29
Different sings for correlations in OLS and TSA
Dear list, I am trying to re-analyse something. I do have two time series, one of which (ts.mar) might help explaining the other (ts.anr). In the original analysis, no-one seems to have cared about the data being time-series and they just did OLS. This yielded a strong positive correlation. I want to know if this correlation is still as strong when the autocorrelations are taken into account.
2009 Mar 05
Overriding contributed package functions
The "tsdiag" function in the TSA package overrides the "tsdiag" function in the "stats" package. There are a few annoying bugs in the TSA's version of the function so I would like to use the "stats" function but still have access to other TSA functions. I have tried using stats::tsdiag( ) but as long as the TSA package is attached the function from
2017 Aug 10
Zoo rolling window with increasing window size
Hi again, I am wondering there is any function for 'zoo' time series, where I can apply a user defined function rolling window basis, wherein window size is ever increasing i.e. not fixed. For example, let say I have below user defined function and a zoo time series : > library(zoo) > UDF = function(x) sum(x) > TS = zoo(rnorm(10), seq(as.Date('2017-01-01'),
2017 Aug 10
Zoo rolling window with increasing window size
Replace "sum" with your custom function's name. I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work, and the problem with my solution is not clear in your response. r <- rollapplyr(x, seq_along(x), yourCustomFunctionGoesHere) On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Christofer Bogaso <bogaso.christofer at> wrote: > Hi Joshua, thanks for your prompt reply. However
2017 Aug 10
Zoo rolling window with increasing window size
Use a `width` of integer index locations. And you likely want = "right" (or rollapplyr(), as I used). R> set.seed(21) R> x <- rnorm(10) R> rs <- rollapplyr(x, seq_along(x), sum) R> cs <- cumsum(x) R> identical(rs, cs) [1] TRUE On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Christofer Bogaso <bogaso.christofer at> wrote: > Hi again, > > I am
2008 Sep 02
installation problem: package 'mgcv' could not be loaded
Hello all, i'm a newbie of R trying to make some statistical work in R environment. Now i have to laptops, one is Thinkpad X40 with Debian Lenny and the other is Thinkpad T43 with Ubuntu 8.10. Recently i met such problem and am wondering if anybody can do some help. After upgrading my /etc/apt/sources.list , i install R by apt-get install command. It works fine in both laptops. Then i
2008 Sep 02
installation problem: package 'mgcv' could not be loaded
Hello all, i'm a newbie of R trying to make some statistical work in R environment. Now i have to laptops, one is Thinkpad X40 with Debian Lenny and the other is Thinkpad T43 with Ubuntu 8.10. Recently i met such problem and am wondering if anybody can do some help. After upgrading my /etc/apt/sources.list , i install R by apt-get install command. It works fine in both laptops. Then i
2011 Apr 03
zoo:rollapply by multiple grouping factors
# Hi there, # I am trying to apply a function over a moving-window for a large number of multivariate time-series that are grouped in a nested set of factors. I have spent a few days searching for solutions with no luck, so any suggestions are much appreciated. # The data I have are for the abundance dynamics of multiple species observed in multiple fixed plots at multiple sites. (I total I
2017 Aug 10
Zoo rolling window with increasing window size
Hi Joshua, thanks for your prompt reply. However as I said, sum() function I used here just for demonstrating the problem, I have other custom function to implement, not necessarily sum() I am looking for a generic solution for above problem. Any better idea? Thanks, On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:04 AM, Joshua Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich at> wrote: > Use a `width` of integer index
2008 Aug 02
problem with nested loop for regression
Hi everyone, I'm experiencing difficulty getting the results I want when I use a nested for loop. I have a data set to which I perform some calculations, and then try to apply a regression over a rolling window. The code runs, but the regression results I am getting (intercept and slope) are simply the same, repeated again and again in the results matrix. The regression does not seem to be
2005 Feb 17
Fix a bug that causes the encoder to spend way to many bits on keyframes
Here is a fix that prevents the encoder from spending too many bits on keyframes. The main problem is that the old code computes the target keyframe bitrate incorrectly. This causes the code that computes the Q for the frame to think that it has tons of bits to spend. It selects a high Q value for the keyframe. Since so many bits were spend on the keyframe the the inter-frames have to use a much
2004 Sep 15
Theora mcomp tuning...
Hi there. This patch changes the block selection to quantify error based on the sum of the squared differences of the pixel values rather than the sum of the absolute differences, the former conventionally and statistically seeming like the preferable thing to do. The patch also const'ifies some parameters (which doesn't affect code quality on recent GCCs but might help on older/ other
2008 Mar 31
Problem creating ogg comment header for theatrical/stage/disco lighting stream
Hi, I am creating a new ogg stream for theatrical/stage/disco lighting and am having trouble encoding my comment header with the following code in _tp_writelsbint function, it does not write the second byte to the ogg buffer. I am using windows and have created a new win32 library project with visual studio and added my code, what do i have to do to get the function working? Is there a project
2009 Mar 23
performance: zoo's rollapply() vs inline
zoo's rollapply() function appears to be extremely useful for plugging in a function on-the-fly to run over a window. With inline, there is a lot more coding and room for error, and the code is less portable because the user has to have R compiling set up or it won't work. However, rollapply() seems to be really slow. Several orders of magnitude slower than inline, in fact. I don't
2008 Dec 19
R/Finance 2009: Applied Finance with R -- Call for Papers
Call for Papers The Finance Department of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the International Center for Futures and Derivatives at UIC, and members of the R finance community are pleased to announce R/Finance 2009: Applied Finance with R on April 24 and 25, 2009, in Chicago, IL, USA Confirmed keynote speakers include: Patrick Burns (Burns
2008 Dec 19
R/Finance 2009: Applied Finance with R -- Call for Papers
Call for Papers The Finance Department of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the International Center for Futures and Derivatives at UIC, and members of the R finance community are pleased to announce R/Finance 2009: Applied Finance with R on April 24 and 25, 2009, in Chicago, IL, USA Confirmed keynote speakers include: Patrick Burns (Burns