Hello everyone, I would like to perform a 2-way manova test, but I'm having some issues. I implemented like this Y<-cbind(Resp1,Resp2,Resp3,....,Respn) model<-manova(Y "tilda" FactorA*FactorB) summary.aov(model) 1. I don't know at what level I have to do the Type I error correction. Is it on p-values returned by "summary.aov(model)? Or is it when I compare each subgroup with another subgroup? Or is it for summary(model)? 2. I have a significant interaction on summary(model), but not for summary.aov(model). Is it normal? 3. Do I have to test homoscedasticity and normality for residuals(model) like in ANOVA? 4. It's about my response variables. I'm working with mice and we measure multiple variables per mice, however these variables are quite dependente. For example I'm measuring the total number of cells (Resp1) in spleen, and afterwards among these cells, I assess percentage of subpopulations of other cells among splenocytes, in order to have the absolute number, I multiply these percentages by R1 ::: R1 * percentage1 = Resp2. Do I have to do an additional correction due to this? You would save my life Thank you all. -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Two-way-manova-tp4650259.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.