search for: resp3

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "resp3".

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2007 Feb 27
str() to extract components
...alues from outputs such as lmer etc and have found it very helpful sometimes. but only seem to manage to extract the values when the output is one simple table, any more complicated and I'm stumped :-( take this example of the extracted coeficients from a lmer analysis... using str(coef(lmer(resp3~b$age+b$size+b$pcfat+(1|sex), data=b))) yields Formal class 'lmer.coef' [package "Matrix"] with 3 slots ..@ .Data :List of 1 .. ..$ :`data.frame': 2 obs. of 4 variables: .. .. ..$ (Intercept): num [1:2] 1.07 1.13 .. .. ..$ b$age : num [1:2] 0.00702 0.00702 .....
2011 Feb 17
Multi-response MCMCglmm (gaussian and zapoisson)
...he response variables and consequently to specify completely parameterized covariance matrices. My current model looks like this: prior<-list(R=list(V=diag(4),nu=0.004),G=list(G1=list(V=diag(4)/4,n=4),G2=list(V=diag(4)/4,n=4),G3=list(V=diag(4)/4,n=4))) m1<-MCMCglmm(fixed=cbind(resp1,resp2,resp3) ~ trait:(expl1 + expl2+ expl3+ expl4+ expl5...)+trait-1, random=~us(trait):rand1+us(trait): rand1: rand2+us(trait): rand1: rand2: rand3, rcov=~us(trait):units,family=c("gaussian","gaussian","zapoisson"),nitt=20000,burnin=5000,thin=10,prior=prior,data=dat) However, fo...
2011 Jul 07
kripp.alph error message
...with kripp.alpha(). I'm loading data from a file, like this: > library(irr) Loading required package: lpSolve > x <- read.table("foo", comment.char="#", header=TRUE, sep=",", quote="\"") > x HITId Resp1 Resp2 Resp3 1 22QI9NZW6HEZ1HYZ5BYTC69GDR5NXQ none 2 24SB6BFMFFOYTBDW8Y6DKESCJWZXKU lead lead 3 26OAUC26DG678UHYAF6K4COKLOH5CG none none none 4 28RZJMJUNU8LUZB2FVWRD8D828Y0G0 tick tick both 5 29DGULF395SW1G0WU7UN2NJBHK4QCE none none none 6 2F6CCF0CP5KXKM2IXXOYK4PMQS1VWM both...
2004 Oct 06
Dataframe manipulation question
...2 1 102 3 1 103 5 1 103 5 1 103 3 2 103 3 2 104 3 1 What I seek to do. If a row following a row is identical for the fields Resp3 and ActCode, I then want to delete one of the two matching rows. Based on this logic, the resulting df would look like that shown below. Resp# ActCode ProdUsed 100 3 2 100 4 3 101 3 6 102 2 1 102 3 1 103 5...
2012 Nov 21
Two way manova
Hello everyone, I would like to perform a 2-way manova test, but I'm having some issues. I implemented like this Y<-cbind(Resp1,Resp2,Resp3,....,Respn) model<-manova(Y "tilda" FactorA*FactorB) summary.aov(model) 1. I don't know at what level I have to do the Type I error correction. Is it on p-values returned by "summary.aov(model)? Or is it when I compare each subgroup with another subgroup? Or is it for summa...
2004 Apr 28
simple repeated measures model: dumb user baffled!
...ted measures design on my advice, students randomised to four orders of a condition that can be N or E: four orders used: NEEN, NENE, ENEN, ENNE, ten students in each block. I've inherited the data (in SPSS but I can deal with that!) with variables like: ID GENDER ORDER C1 C2 C3 C4 RESP1 RESP2 RESP3 RESP4 ... ORDER is the order as a/b/c/d; C1:C4 has the N or E for each occasion, and RESP1:RESP4 the response variables. (There are a number of these but looking at each separately is justifiable theoretically). I've had a look around the R help and some S+ books I've got and I realise I...