similar to: Two way manova

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Two way manova"

2004 Apr 28
simple repeated measures model: dumb user baffled!
I am in the process of transferring from an old version of S+ to using R having used a variety of other packages in the past. I'm hugely impressed with R but it has an excellent but depressing habit of exposing that I'm not a professional statistician and has done so again. Someone has run a nice little repeated measures design on my advice, students randomised to four orders of a
2011 Feb 17
Multi-response MCMCglmm (gaussian and zapoisson)
Dear MCMCglmm users, I am currently struggling with the specification of a proper prior and model formula for a multi-response MCMCglmm with two of the three response variables being Gaussian and the third being za-poisson. The model includes several fixed effects and three nested random effects. In general, I would prefer to fit a model with a fixed effect of trait and suppressed intercept for
2011 Jul 07
kripp.alph error message
Hi! I fairly new to R, have only done pretty basic things so far, so this may be a very basic question..... But I did search the forums and didn't see a solution.... I'm trying to get going with kripp.alpha(). I'm loading data from a file, like this: > library(irr) Loading required package: lpSolve > x <- read.table("foo", comment.char="#", header=TRUE,
2000 Apr 28
Using 'by()' in a function
I have a list of dataframes, and want to apply a function to subsets of the rows of each dataframe. It seemed natural to write a function that takes a dataframe as an argument, and uses 'by() within it to apply the function to the dataframe subsets. However, I cannot get it to work. The problem seems to be passing the data argument of by() as a function argument. Is this bug, or am I
2006 Aug 10
How to fit bivaraite longitudinal mixed model ?
Hi Is there any way to fit a bivaraite longitudinal mixed model using R. I have a data set with col names resp1 (Y_ij1), resp2 (Y_ij2), timepts (t_ij), unit(i) j=1,2,..,m and i=1,2,..n. I want to fit the following two models Model 1 Y_ij1, Y_ij2 | U_i = u_i ~ N(alpha + u_i + beta1*t_ij, Sigma) U_i ~ iid N(0, sigu^2) Sigma = bivariate AR structure alpha and beta are vectors of order 2.
2009 Nov 04
PCA with tow response variables
Hi all, I'm new to PCA in R, so this might be a basical thing, but I cannot find anything on the net about it. I need to make a PCA plot with two response variables (df$resp1 and df$resp2) against eight metabolites (df$met1, df$met2, ...) and I don't have a clue how to do... and I've only used the simplest PCAs before, like this: pcaObj=prcomp(t(df[idx, c(40:47)]))
2005 Jan 25
"spx_word16_t *" is incompatible with parameter of type "float *"
Hi, I am bring SPEEX up on Analog Device's Blackfin (using Visual DSP++ tool set). The floating point was too slow on this fixed-point processor so I am going for the integer version. The floating point library build was very clean, but when I build with FIXED_POINT defined, the compiler exits when it find this discrepancy in \libspeex\cb_search.c : ".\libspeex\cb_search.c",
2007 Oct 17
passing arguments to functions within functions
Dear R Users, I am trying to write a wrapper around summarize and xYplot from Hmisc and am having trouble understanding how to pass arguments from the function I am writing to the nested functions. There must be a way, but I have not been able to figure it out. An example is below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dan # some example data df=expand.grid(rep=1:4,
2011 Mar 18
I Dears, if that wouldn't take u too much effort I'd like to ask for a swift opinion: I have a alinear (mixed effect) model that I wish to run as a piecewise one. When I predict the values Iget quite some odds and disturbing results: The predicted stright line after the break point is not straight at all, instead behaves like if it was a hig order polynomial or something similar!!!! I
2009 Feb 02
Using Information from the Stats4 package in base envir
Hi. Thank you very much in advance for your help. I have generated data from two simple linear models and used k-means clustering (stats4) to identify two clusters in the generated data. Next, I would like to do simple linear regression for each separate cluster. I can do this if I first use the cluster labels to define two separate data frames with the subset function. However, I would
2010 May 19
how to remove interactions of factor with continuous var
I need to remove certain interactions and keep only the one between the second level of the factor and the continuous var t2 bin4 <- glm(resp2~ t*t2+c5.vrm,data=dfa,family="quasibinomial") > summary(bin4) Call: glm(formula = resp2 ~ t * t2 + c5.vrm, family = "quasibinomial", data = dfa) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -6.5464
2009 May 12
ROCR: auc and logarithm plot
Hi, I am quite new to R and I have two questions regarding ROCR. 1. I have tried to understand how to extract area-under-curve value by looking at the ROCR document and googling. Still I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. Here is my code, is "auc1" the auc value? " pred1 <- prediction(resp1,label1) perf1 <- performance(pred1,"tpr","fpr") plot(
2009 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] [PATCH] llvm-bcanalyzer: print percentages without scientific notation
Hello, llvm-bcanalyzer told me that the size of the BLOCKINFO_BLOCK of my file is "1.345017e+01" percent of the whole file. This is not very readable. The attached patch prints the percentage without scientific notation so we get something bit more readable: Block ID #0 (BLOCKINFO_BLOCK): Num Instances: 1 Total Size: 637b/79.62B/19W % of file: 13.450169 Num
2006 May 24
Has Many Through + Join Model + Forms + Confused?
Hello, I''m trying to implement something like the following scenario. I''ve got "Alloys" (blends of metals), "Metals" and "Percentages" I want to implement this using a join model, not using a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship. (If i''m wrong about that, let me know). Basically, i have the following tables: Metals id name Alloys
2007 Feb 27
str() to extract components
Hi, I have been dabbling with str() to extract values from outputs such as lmer etc and have found it very helpful sometimes. but only seem to manage to extract the values when the output is one simple table, any more complicated and I'm stumped :-( take this example of the extracted coeficients from a lmer analysis... using str(coef(lmer(resp3~b$age+b$size+b$pcfat+(1|sex), data=b)))
2004 Oct 06
Dataframe manipulation question
Hello, I have a data frame that has three fields. Resp# ActCode ProdUsed 100 3 2 100 3 2 100 4 3 100 4 3 101 3 6 102 2 1 102 3 1 103 5 1 103 5 1 103
2003 Aug 08
Samba 3b3, cups117 and point-n-click blues. Looks like Samba bug? HELP! part 2
I've attempted to do the same using Win2k's APW. At first it looks like it's going to work, but at the very last part it gives an access denied error. It gives the errors AFTER it copies all the files to the server... Here's the log.spleen (my win2k is spleen): unix_clean_name [W32X86/PSCRIPT.NTF] [2003/08/08 16:46:05, 3] lib/util.c:unix_clean_name(580) unix_clean_name
2009 Apr 24
[PATCH] Blackfin: cleanup astat/cc/hardware loop asm clobbers
Most asm statements clobber ASTAT bits (shifts, maxes, etc...) but do declare the register as clobbered. Same thing with CC in a few places. Some places make an attempt at clobbering some hardware loop registers, but it's very incomplete compared with how many asm statements actually use hardware loops. Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier at> --- libspeex/bfin.h
2012 Nov 14
Switch "Groups" in ehplot (x-axis)
Hello everyone, I would like to switch the place of the Groups in the ehplot function. When I put my data (one vector) in a certain order for the "data vector" of ehplot function, the plot doesn't show me data in the order which I indicated. How to change that? I have one vector for data and one vector for names. This is how it looks like. I would like to have wt first, bimbid
2006 Apr 06
Unable to obtain a DLL.
Bogdan Mustiata wrote: > Hello, > > I have the 1.0.5 and 1.1.12 versions of Speex. The problem is that when > I compile Speex using MinGW and MSys using: > > ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/c/bgw/ > > I don't get neither a DLL file nor a .a library although the compile is > successful. <snip> > Am I missing something trivial? Maybe not.