I don't think so -- you want to use saveRDS and readRDS if you want to do
However, if you are given someone else's .RData and need to avoid a
name collision, this might work.
loadOneName <- function(objName, file, envir = parent.frame(),
assign.on.exit = TRUE) {
tempEnv <- new.env()
load(file, envir = tempEnv)
stopifnot(objName %in% ls(tempEnv))
if(assign.on.exit) {
assign(objName, tempEnv[[objName]], envir = envir)
Note that's not been thoroughly tested but it seems decent...
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Shi, Tao <shidaxia at yahoo.com>
wrote:> Hi list,
> Is there a way to load one specific object from a .RData file which
contains multiple data objects?? Thanks,
> ...Tao
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