Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches for "saverd".
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2018 Feb 07
saveRDS() overwrites file when object is not found
I ran into this behaviour when accidentally running a line of code that I
shouldn't have.
When saving over an rds with an object that's not found, I would have
expected saveRDS to not touch the file.
saveRDS(iris, "test.rds")
#> [1] 1080
saveRDS(no_object_here, "test.rds")
#> Error in saveRDS(no_object_here, "test.rds"): object 'no_object_here'
not found
#> [1]...
2013 Jun 25
How can C++ read the R object written into socket with saveRDS or save
Hi, all,
Recently, I met one issue when using socket between R & C++ to transmit R
object. Would you pls help give me some suggestions? Many thanks!
I create a socket connection between R & C++ binary first, and then, want
to use saveRDS() or save() in R to save the object into connection
directly. So that the C++ binary can read the object, and send it to
another remote R.
[What I did so far]:
1. I used socketConnection in R and listen/accept in C++, to establish one
blocking socket.
2. I used saveRDS to save the R object into s...
2013 Jun 25
How can C++ read the R object written into socket with saveRDS or save
Hi, all,
Recently, I met one issue when using socket between R & C++ to transmit R
object. Would you pls help give me some suggestions? Many thanks!
I create a socket connection between R & C++ binary first, and then, want
to use saveRDS() or save() in R to save the object into connection
directly. So that the C++ binary can read the object, and send it to
another remote R.
[What I did so far]:
1. I used socketConnection in R and listen/accept in C++, to establish one
blocking socket.
2. I used saveRDS to save the R object into s...
2011 Oct 18
readRDS and saveRDS
Hi all,
Is there any chance that readRDS and saveRDS might one day become
read.rds and write.rds? That would make them more consistent with the
other reading and writing functions.
Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
2018 Apr 02
recordPlot/replayPlot not working with saveRDS/readRDS
The documentation for recordPlot says the following:
> As of R 3.3.0, it is possible (again) to replay a plot from another R session using, for example, saveRDS and readRDS.
However, I haven't been able to save and restore a plot displaylist
and have it work within the same R session, using R 3.4.3 or 3.3.3.
Here's an example:
# Save displaylist for a simple plot
dev.control(displaylist ="enable")
plot(1:5, 1:5)...
2018 Apr 03
[FORGED] recordPlot/replayPlot not working with saveRDS/readRDS
>>>>> Paul Murrell <paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz>
>>>>> on Tue, 3 Apr 2018 09:41:56 +1200 writes:
> Hi What you are doing "wrong" is loading a recordedplot
> into the same session that it was created in. The
> saveRDS()/readRDS() works if you save in one R session and
> then read in a different R session. The assumption is
> that if you are still in the same session that created the
> recordedplot you still have the recordedplot (e.g., you
> can just do replayPlot(r) instead of repl...
2018 Apr 02
[FORGED] recordPlot/replayPlot not working with saveRDS/readRDS
What you are doing "wrong" is loading a recordedplot into the same
session that it was created in. The saveRDS()/readRDS() works if you
save in one R session and then read in a different R session. The
assumption is that if you are still in the same session that created the
recordedplot you still have the recordedplot (e.g., you can just do
replayPlot(r) instead of replayPlot(r2). Is that a bad assum...
2023 Nov 15
saveRDS()/readRDS() on environments
Dear r-devel,
I was surprised to see that saveRDS() and readRDS() work quite well with
environments, see below:
z <- 3 # in global env
y <- new.env()
y$a <- 1
x <- new.env(parent = y)
x$b <- 2
saveRDS(x, "x.RDS")
# in a new session
x <- readRDS("x.RDS")
y <- parent.env(x)
#> [1] 2
#> [1...
2012 Sep 15
Risk of readRDS() not detecting race conditions with parallel saveRDS()?
...format used in (non-compressed)
serialization/RDS, but hoping someone with more knowledge could give
me some feedback;
Consider two R processes running in parallel on the same unknown file
system. Both of them write and read to the same RDS file foo.rds
(without compression) at random times using saveRDS(object,
file="foo.rds", compress=FALSE) and object2 <-
readRDS(file="foo.rds"). This happens frequently enough such that
there is a risk for the two processes to write to the same "foo.rds"
file at the same time (here one needs to acknowledge that file updates
2020 Jan 29
Model object, when generated in a function, saves entire environment when saved
when saving RDS's which is great. However, I noticed the problem again when
saving `qs` files (https://github.com/traversc/qs) which is an RDS
replacement with a fast serialization / compression system.
I'd like to get an idea of what change was made within R to address this
issue for `saveRDS`. My thought is that this will help the author of the
`qs` package do something similar. I have had a browse through the release
notes for the last few years (Ctrl-F-ing "environment") and couldn't see it.
Many thanks for any help and best wishes to all.
The following code uses R 3...
2012 Apr 17
parallel processing with multiple directories
...ss. The error I get is: "Error in setwd(x) : cannot change working directory"
dirs <- list("out1","out2","out3") # these directories are located within the current working directory
temp <- 1:3
testF <- function(x) {
mclapply(dirs, testF)
Any help would be appreciated!
David R. Schaefer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Social and Family Dynamics
Arizona State University
2012 Jan 09
serializing recordedplot object
...k that I render later to a
variety of formats. This works fine for base R plots and ggplot2
plots, and also used to work for lattice plots. However somewhere in
version 2.14 things stopped working for lattice plots. Here is an
x <- recordPlot();
saveRDS(x, "myplot.rds");
y <- readRDS("myplot.rds");
Error: NULL value passed as symbol address
printing x works fine, but printing y either gives an error or prints
an empty page. The problem seems to be related to serializing the
recordedplot object, which contains a l...
2006 Feb 08
corruption of data with serialize(ascii=TRUE)
...00000e+00 2.220446e-16 -5.551115e-17
I expected `x' and `b' to be identical, which is what I get when `ascii = FALSE':
> a <- serialize(x, con = NULL, ascii = FALSE)
> b <- unserialize(a)
> identical(x, b) ## TRUE
[1] TRUE
The same phenomenon occurs with `.saveRDS(ascii = TRUE)',
> .saveRDS(x, file = "asdf", ascii = TRUE)
> d <- .readRDS("asdf")
> identical(x, d) ## FALSE
Has anyone noticed this before? I didn't see anything in the docs for
`serialize()' that would indicate this behav...
2015 Jan 15
Request to speed up save()
In addition to the major points that others made: if you care about speed, don't use compression. With today's fast disks it's an order of magnitude slower to use compression:
> d=lapply(1:10, function(x) as.integer(rnorm(1e7)))
> system.time(saveRDS(d, file="test.rds.gz"))
user system elapsed
17.210 0.148 17.397
> system.time(saveRDS(d, file="test.rds", compress=F))
user system elapsed
0.482 0.355 0.929
The above example is intentionally well compressible, in real life the differences are actually...
2012 Jun 19
Reference classes and memory consumption
...imal class uses about 20K on disk.
MySmallClass = setRefClass("MySmallClass",
fields = list(
myField = "numeric"
methods = list(
initialize = function(f) {
myField <<- f;
o = MySmallClass$new(10);
saveRDS(o, file="C:\\o.rds");
[1] 21274
My questions:
Is saveRDS() is representative for memory usage?
If so, is there a way to shrink these objects to a smaller size?
I use R 2.15.0 on a 32 Bit Windows 7 system.
Best regards,
2015 Jan 15
Request to speed up save()
I am dealing with very large datasets and it takes a long time to save a
workspace image.
The options to save compressed data are: "gzip", "bzip2" or "xz", the
default being gzip. I wonder if it's possible to include the pbzip2
(http://compression.ca/pbzip2/) algorithm as an option when saving.
"PBZIP2 is a parallel implementation of the bzip2
2018 Mar 29
Base R examples that write to current working directory
Hi all,
Given the recent CRAN push to prevent examples writing to the working
directory, is there any interest in fixing base R examples that write
to the working directory? A few candidates are the graphics devices,
file.create(), writeBin(), writeChar(), write(), and saveRDS(). I'm
sure there are many more.
One way to catch these naughty examples would be to search for
unlink() in examples: e.g.,
Of course, simply cleaning up after yourself is not sufficient because
if those file...
2025 Jan 11
Package compression benchmarks for zstd vs gzip
...ckage [1]. I use it
all the time when saving large objects, using code I adapted from [2].
Is your suggestion to import the libraries/source code into base?
[1] https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=archive
[2] https://coolbutuseless.github.io/2018/10/02/using-lz4-and-zstandard-to-compress-files-with-saverds/
On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 6:17?PM Jeroen Ooms <jeroenooms at gmail.com> wrote:
> Many distros and browsers these days use zstd as the preferred
> compression method. For example if you unpack a .deb or .rpm file on
> Debian or Fedora there is zstd archive inside. It is claimed...
2018 Jan 10
R CMD build then check fails on R-devel due to serialization version
...nder development (unstable)
(2018-01-09 r74100)) for multiple packages:
* checking serialized R objects in the sources ... WARNING
Found file(s) with version 3 serialization:
Such files are only readable in R >= 3.5.0.
Recreate them with R < 3.5.0 or save(version = 2) or saveRDS(version =
2) as appropriate
As far as I can tell, revision 74099
which changes the default serialization format to 3, clashes with
revision 73973 (https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/885764eb74f2211a547b13727f2e...
2018 Mar 30
Base R examples that write to current working directory
>> Given the recent CRAN push to prevent examples writing to the working
>> directory, is there any interest in fixing base R examples that write
>> to the working directory? A few candidates are the graphics devices,
>> file.create(), writeBin(), writeChar(), write(), and saveRDS(). I'm
>> sure there are many more.
>> One way to catch these naughty examples would be to search for
>> unlink() in examples: e.g.,
>> https://github.com/wch/r-source/search?utf8=?&q=unlink+extension%3ARd&type=.
>> Of course, simply cle...