similar to: load only one object from a .RData file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "load only one object from a .RData file"

2012 Apr 23
.rda vs. .RData
Are they the same with .RData being the newer format?? Thanks, ...Tao
2010 Oct 29
date calculation
Hi list, Could someone explain to me why the following result is not a integer? > difftime(strptime("24NOV2004", format="%d%b%Y"), strptime("13MAY2004", >format="%d%b%Y"), units="days") Time difference of 195.0417 days I'm using R2.12.0 on WinXP. Thanks! ...Tao
2018 Jan 16
Merging RData files
?load Read this carefully. Pay attention to its instructions re: overwriting existing objects. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 12:43 AM, Steven Yen <styen at> wrote: >
2012 Feb 21
barplot with both color and shading
Hi list, I want to draw a bar plot with color indicating one grouping and different shading on top of the color indicating another grouping.? How should I proceed? Thanks! ...Tao
2012 Nov 29
what's this character?
Hi list, I've encounter this problem (see below).? I know it's particularly R-related and it's easy to get by but it still bothers me a lot.? It looks the last character of "N.C. " is a space to me, but it's clearly not.? Can someone tell me a way to figure out what character is in the last position. Thanks! Tao > levels(dat$flag)[3] [1] "N.C.?" >
2012 Oct 15
warning message
Hi list, Can somebody explain why there are these warning messages?? I just don't get it.? I'm using R 2.15.1 on WinXP. Thanks! Tao > x [1] -2.143510 -1.157450 -1.315581? 1.033562 -1.225440 -1.179909 >? ifelse(x>0, log2(x), -log2(-x)) [1] -1.099975 -0.210950 -0.395700? 0.047625 -0.293300 -0.238675 Warning messages: 1: In ifelse(x > 0, log2(x), -log2(-x)) : NaNs produced
2018 Jan 16
Merging RData files
I ran two separate hours-long projects. Results of each were saved to two separate .RData files. Content of each includes, among others, the following: ?????????????????? me??? se????? t???? p sig pc21.age??????? 0.640 0.219? 2.918 0.004 *** pc21.agesq????? 0.000 0.000??? NaN?? NaN 0.903 0.103? 8.752 0.000 *** pc21.incsq????? 0.000 0.000??? NaN?? NaN pc21.sei10????? 0.451 0.145?
2013 Feb 07
compare objects in two different workspaces
Hi list, Is there a easy way to compare objects in two different workspace files (i.e. .RData files) in R?? I can use some generic file compare softwares (e.g. BeyondCompare) to binary comparison, but when it says they're different you can't tell where the difference are from. Thanks! Tao
2011 Mar 31
read password-protected files
Hi list, I have a bunch of .csv files that are password-protected. I wonder if there is a way to read them in in R without manually removing the password protection for each file? Thank you very much! ...Tao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 24
extract worksheet names from an Excel file
Hi list, Is there a R function I can use to extract the worksheet names from an Excel file?? If no, any other automatic ways (not using R) to do this? thanks! ...Tao
2010 Nov 19
calculating martingale residual on new data using "predict.coxph"
Hi list, I was trying to use "predict.coxph" to calculate martingale residuals on a test data, however, as pointed out before predict(mycox1, newdata, type="expected") is not implemented yet. Dieter suggested to use 'cph' and 'predict.Design', but from my reading so far, I'm not sure they can
2012 Sep 05
Sweave encoding option
Hi list, I was running Sweave on one of my .rnw file.? Everything was fine, until I came back from the vacation.? Nothing changed (at least to my knowledge), but now I have this problem: >???? Sweave("myfile.rnw") Error: ?COLO001final.rnw? is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding After snooping around on the web, I found this solution: > Sweave("myfile.rnw",
2010 May 14
"rpart": how to use each variable only once?
Hi list, Is there a way in "rpart" to force the variables only used once when doing the splits? This is how the question came about. Often time, the tree constructed uses the same variable (say X1) for the first and second splits, for example. However, due to practical reason, the researcher doesn't like this. The prefer to see the second split using other variables (say X2).
2011 Feb 17
which functions are being debugged?
Hi list, Is there a function that can let me know which functions are being debugged? I know I'm probably not doing a very good job of keeping track of things, but it does get messier when you dig into different layers of a function. I know there is "isdebugged", but it only works on one function at a time. Thanks! ...Tao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 08
confusion matrix
Hi list, Is there already a function somewhere to output the confusion matrix from two input vectors? "table" always automatically delete rows or columns with all 0's. For example, I would like the columns for "10" and "30" added back. Thanks! ...Tao 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 20 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 30 0 0
2011 Jun 09
a bug in
Hi Allen and list, See the code below.? I've tried it on R2.13 and R2.8.0 using either 1.3 or the latest.? All gave the same results.? The problem is in the last line: when I tried to plot two different color bars, the one corresponding to "cm.colors(10)" is not correct (it starts with one black and one red.? Not sure where they're from?) Any ideas? Thanks!
2007 Feb 23
Functions that write functions in R packages
Dear all, Another question related to my ggplot package: I have made some substantial changes to the backend of my package so that plot objects can now describe themselves much better. A consequence of this is that a number of convenience functions that previously I wrote by hand, can now be written automatically. What is the best practice for creating these functions for bundling in a
2007 Mar 06
bug: sticky symbol refs? (PR#9555)
Hello. What happens in the following is that I create two simple functions, f and g, on the workspace. Then I replace g. When I then call f, it uses the old version of g. Now clearly, the circumstances for this to happen must be quite special and rare. But I'd say they're not pathological. It seems to require two things: 1) masked versions of f and g on a search position lower down the
2018 Jan 16
Merging RData files
Understood. In my case, a.RData and b.RData contain identical variables/data, plus simulation outputs from separate runs. The codes deliver what I need. Good to know the three lines work. Thank you. On 1/16/2018 8:06 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 16/01/2018 6:33 AM, Steven Yen wrote: >> Hi all, >> This is great. Again, here is what I need. I run two separate jobs (a.R >>
2011 Aug 12
Getting data from an *.RData file into a data.frame object.
Hi, all. I'm new to R. I've been a SAS programmer for 20 years. I seem to be having trouble with the most basic task - bringing a table in an *.RData file into a data.frame object. Here's how I created the *.RData file. library(RODBC) db <- odbcConnect("*******") df <- sqlQuery( db , "select * from schema.table where year(someDate)=2006" ) save(