On 14/09/2007, Sean Dizazzo <SDizazzo@ascentmedia.com>
wrote:> Hi all,
> We are sharing directories from Windows 2003 server to, among other
> things, Mac computers. Most of the time the windows shares work
> perfectly. However we are running into a problem with users entering
> odd characters into file names on the Mac clients.
What sort of characters?
> The Mac clients see these files/folders perfectly fine, as samba on
> the Mac allows for these odd characters. However, if someone tries to
> access one of these files on a windows client, the operation errors
> out. The errors range from "not sufficient permissions" to
"the file
> doesn't exist"
Which windows clients? If the server is happy to accept file names
with these characters in them, it's odd that clients would not also
accept them.
> For internal use, we can yell at the offenders to have them stop
> adding odd characters to the names. This will work somewhat. But
> some of these files and folders are created by external clients that
> are much harder to yell at.
> Is there any way to either use the mac samba client to limit the
> allowed characters, or to somehow force a filename change when an
> illegal character is entered?
Not to my knowledge.
The Mac client is not Samba, so you might have better luck on a
Mac-specific mailing list, eg:
make sure you note what Os the mac clients are running and whether the
SMB client is the Apple one or the Thursby one
James Peach | jorgar@gmail.com