Hi all, I have a problem that I stumbled across a solution for on a list while searching for something else but can't find again. It's down to permissions propogating from a Samba PDC across member servers. I'm using 3.0.28c which according to the release notes uses the +Domain\group notation for declaring permissions in smb.conf. I am at the following position: LDAP/Samba on the PDC works and I can su to a UNIX/LDAP users account on the CLI. Getent passwd returns all the users and getent groups returns all the groups. wbinfo -u and -g work as they should and net groupmap list returns groupmappings consitent across all the servers. If I use Windows security properties on XP however I get (Unix User\User). Both the PDC and the member servers are soined to the domain and have the domain SID in smb.conf. So the question really, is when setting unix permissions on files on the member server, how do you differentiate between UNIX and Domain users. The closest I've found to a solution in the last two days was someone with the same question who got the answer "this has been covered elsewhere so I won't for over it again". I'm not being lazy, I have been looking and I'd appreciate the help. Cheers, Jools