I'm very sorry for this late answer. I should tweak my mailfilters (I
didn't expect an answer anymore so I didn't check my samba-mailfolder)
That's our situation:
- I tried to revert to 3.0.20rc2 and got the error again
- I installed 3.0.20 again and rebooted, and the problem went away! (I'm
sure that all smbd, nmbd and winbindd daemons were killed before the
previous upgrade)
- I upgraded to 3.0.20b last week (kill smbd, nmbd, winbindd; make
install; start daemons again), and queues were broken again :-(
I installed samba 3.0.20b on a testmachine, with a config-file with the
same pars as our production machine (jobs are send with the same lprng
clients to the production lprng-printserver). The queue was ok on that
test-machine (so I guess there's nothing wrong with our lprng setup)
Next, I tried to assemble some debug (level9) output from (one of the
daemons of) our production machine:
- I connected via smbclient to one of our printers (with 1 job in the
windows queue, non in the lpq)
- set debuglevel 9 of that daemon
- and issued the following commands:
smb: \> queue
1 88192 Microsoft Word - Oplossingen lindow.doc
smb: \> put /tmp/bla
putting file /tmp/bla as \/tmp/bla (0.0 kb/s) (average 0.0 kb/s)
smb: \> queue
1 88192 Microsoft Word - Oplossingen lindow.doc
2 5 Remote Downlevel Document /bla
smb: \> queue
1 88192 Microsoft Word - Oplossingen lindow.doc
2 5 Remote Downlevel Document /bla
smb: \> cancel 1
Error cancelling job 1 : NT_STATUS_OK
smb: \> queue
smb: \> exit
So, when we cancel a job in the samba queue (a job that was printed
before), all jobs disappear out of the queue. The next jobs stays in it
I have a samba log of these commands. If you would like that, I send it
to you. If you would like a screenshot of a windows queue, I could
provide it either.
> Hash: SHA1
> Brecht Samyn wrote:
> | A few weeks ago, I upgraded Samba 3.0.1x to 3.0.14a
> | . After the upgrade, all completed printjobs on all
> | 40 printers stayed in samba's print queue (they were removed
> | from the unix-printqueue). When I installed 3.0.20rc2,
> | everything back to normal.
> Scratch that last idea. Could you send me a screen shot
> of the windows print queu window showing the completed jobs ?
> cheers, jerry
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Brecht Samyn, Systeemgroep
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk (KULAK)
tel. ++32 56 246 264