I currently have a pure samba domain running off a Suse 9.1 machine. When I installed this domain I wasn't really comfortable with linux or LDAP so I used a tdbsam password file, and as there are only 30 or so users it seemed the way to go in the small amount of time I had available. Well, now I want to add a BDC to the mix I find I need to move to an LDAP backend. I only have two boxes at my disposal so I'm hoping I can run Samba PDC and master LDAP on one and Samba BDC and slave LDAP on the other. I figure I should set up the second box as a master LDAP, transfer the accounts from the original box, then I can start afresh with the old machine and make it into a BDC/slave LDAP. Is that even possible? Has anyone done this, and did you run into any issues? Thank you Paul
On Wed, September 28, 2005 11:06 am, Paul Smith said:> I currently have a pure samba domain running off a Suse 9.1 machine. > When I installed this domain I wasn't really comfortable with linux or > LDAP so I used a tdbsam password file, and as there are only 30 or so > users it seemed the way to go in the small amount of time I had > available. > > Well, now I want to add a BDC to the mix I find I need to move to an > LDAP backend. I only have two boxes at my disposal so I'm hoping I can > run Samba PDC and master LDAP on one and Samba BDC and slave LDAP on the > other. > > I figure I should set up the second box as a master LDAP, transfer the > accounts from the original box, then I can start afresh with the old > machine and make it into a BDC/slave LDAP. > > Is that even possible? Has anyone done this, and did you run into anyPaul, I'm near the end (I think) of doing something similar. I am going from a Windows PDC to a Samba PDC and LDAP and migrating the data with vampire. I have the process outlined, and I'd be happy to share it with you when my last issue is figured out (posted previously). I can think of no reason why one cannot vampire from a Samba PDC rather than a Windows PDC. Once you have done it with your PDC, it will be the same process for your machine to convert to a BDC. -Michael George Ideal Solution, LLC
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Paul Smith wrote:> I currently have a pure samba domain running off a Suse 9.1 > machine. When I installed this domain I wasn't really comfortable > with linux or LDAP so I used a tdbsam password file, and as there > are only 30 or so users it seemed the way to go in the small amount > of time I had available. > > Well, now I want to add a BDC to the mix I find I need to move to > an LDAP backend. I only have two boxes at my disposal so I'm > hoping I can run Samba PDC and master LDAP on one and Samba BDC and > slave LDAP on the other. > > I figure I should set up the second box as a master LDAP, transfer > the accounts from the original box, then I can start afresh with > the old machine and make it into a BDC/slave LDAP. > > Is that even possible? Has anyone done this, and did you run into > any issues?Have a look at the 'pdbedit' manpage, specifically the "-i" and "-e" options. Cheers, Jelmer -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFDOsP3Pa9Uoh7vUnYRAoUTAJ4q6Tp+158UsKTrA/y5p8/V/nBUnACffb4E DBR7IJYdPHCoSlAE6BCk4bQ=RCoG -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----