Well, turns out there was nothing wrong with any of the Samba stuff afterall, all it was is while doing the install of Red Hat 8.0, I selected "custom" configuration, and "medium" security. Well, that "medium" security setting killed me, it was apparently stopping all necessary traffic. A bright friend of mine had me type in: '/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop', and poof, everything works perfect now, already got my printer shared too. So, if anyone out there is battling issues like I was, with XP Home/Pro, and you have tried smb.conf files which you KNOW came from working computers, try typing that command in, it might solve alot of your problems. A clue (not to me, but to my friend) was that when I typed in '/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart', smbd would shutdown correctly, but nmbd would not shutdown, always gave a error that the process wasn't running. So apparently it was trying to run but getting killed? Who knows, anyway, it works and I'm happy. Thanks, Mark Brodis __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more http://taxes.yahoo.com/