without your config/network details its a bit hard to guess. Try looking
in the docs for "diagnosis.txt". Its extremely well written and will
least tell what is wrong.
Richard Coates.
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 02:28, Volker Hempen wrote:> Hi following situation:
> SuSE Linux running samba 2.2.3a
> Notebook running WIN98
> PC running WIN98
> PC has full access to the notebook and to the Linux/Samba Server
> Notebook has full access to the PC but NOT to the Linux/Samba Server
> I'm using DHCP and the adresses (ping) are okay. The WIN98 clients and
> Linux/Samba server have different names and the same workgroup.
> Searching for the hostname (linux) on the PC is working but NOT on the
> Notebook.
> Any idea? What is going wrong?
> kind regards from germany,
> Volker
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