The accounting department here also runs Quickbooks. It also wouldn't
run as a standard Domain User. On our old Windows PDC, the Accountant had
to be setup as at least a Power User to be able to use the software.
While I haven't had much of a chance to dig into it lately, it might
just have something to do with file permissions on the Quickbooks
directory. Although, the application did say that the user account didn't
have the correct user rights to run the application.
I have been planning on putting together an E-mail and letter to send to
Intuit explaining how they are putting this company and many other
companies at risk due to requiring users of Quickbooks to have more user
rights then they should on the network and workstation.
At this time, I can see only two options for dealing with the Quickbooks
issue. (Since the accounting department will not look at any other
software at this time.)
One, setup a Domain Administrator group and put the accountant into that
group. Yeah, I should be flamed to high heck for saying that, but it does
work and allows the accountant to get his/her work done. You must ratchet
down the rest of the server and hope that the accountant doesn|t receive
any E-mail Virii.
Two, create a local account for the accountant and or accounting
department. Set the security settings for this account to be a Power
User. Then do not join the workstation(s) to the domain. This can create
a near equal network management headache, it would also make Samba more
busy for that user/group of users due to having to authenticate each
request instead of simply checking for the security token that the user
would have. However, you do end up with the benefit that the accounting
department would be "separate" from the network.
At this time, I haven't been able to find a better solution.
Robert Adkins II
IT Manager/Buyer
Impel Industries, Inc.
Ph. 586-254-5800
Fx. 586-254-5804
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Hillyer [mailto:mike@wepsoft.com]
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 4:28 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org; Robert Adkins
Subject: [Samba] Domain Users cannot use quickbooks
Hi all;
the other day we tried to get ambitious and get the office onto a
samba domain. Things were fine, but our quickbooks users could not
use quickbooks because they were domain restricted users and needed
to be domain standard users.
Anyone have any help on how to get the users in question to be power
Mike hillyer
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