Hi, I've compiled the SAMBA 3.0 alpha18 with all default options and installed well. Then I would join my NT 4.0 machine using the following steps (manual, not On the fly): # useradd -g groupid -d /dev/null -c "comment" -s /bin/false -m machine_name$ # passwd -l machine_name$ # smbpasswd -a -m machine_name$ after that I tried to join my NT4.0 to the Samba PDC, but it failed with this message: "The machine account for this computer either does not exist or is inaccessible". With Samba 2.2.5 it workes all right, also join domain. My Linux system is RedHead 7.1. Thanks for any info that could help me to solve this problem. Jianliang Lu Tiesse S.P.A. Via Jervis, 60 10015 Ivrea (TO) Italy Email: j.lu@tiesse.com phone: 0125 6