This seems to be an issue that comes up a lot. There are a LOT of things
that you can try, but from what I've seen on the list, it can be very
difficult to locate the problem. We have dozens of Samba servers in the
field, and every once in a while we run into this kind of issue. We have
had to replace samba servers with NT or (shudder) Novell to resolve it in
some cases. I think this definitely needs to be looked at closely, because
it is a major issue when you do an upgrade that grinds your network to a
halt. Something seems to make Samba much more sensitive to certain
conditions (and I don't know what those are) than NT or Novell.
Trey Nolen
> Hi..
> Can anybody help me.. here is my problem:
> I have a little LAN with a Samba Box (It's my PDC), and some DOS PCs,
> running my core bussiness application (Foxpro 2.6)
> All the Boxes are Intel 440BX2 whit Celeron 600MHZ, HD 10GB Maxtor
5400RMP,> 64MB RAM and 3Com 905B Nic.
> The DOS Box have MSDOS 6.22 with MSClient 3.0
> everything it's Ok about the connection and autentication with samba,
> problem is that the Network performance is too slow when i try to copy
some> files to the samba share folder from the DOS Box. When I try to do the
copy> in the other way (From Samba Server to the DOS Box) the copy it's
> Faster.
> i have about two weeks searching the internet, reading the samba docs,
> changing parameters, changing Network Card, Processor, Hard Drive, and
> nothing works. I know some people has this problem, but i don't find
> solution by myself.
> I really want to kick out my NT Server from The Lan, but with this Samba
> performance i can't do that.
> Somebody can help me?? i would really appreciate if someone can helpme..
> Thanx,,,
> __________________
> here is my smb.conf
> ________________________________________
> [global]
> netbios name = Tienda
> workgroup = Tiendas
> server string = Servidor Samba
> encrypt passwords = Yes
> smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
> wins support = yes
> security = User
> log file = /var/samba/log.%m
> max log size = 100
> log level = 1
> local master = Yes
> os level = 33
> domain master = yes
> preferred master = yes
> domain logons = yes
> hosts allow = 10.1.1. 127.
> interfaces =
> read raw = Yes
> write raw = Yes
> oplocks = no
> max xmit = 65535
> dead time = 10
> getwd cache = yes
> [Datos]
> comment = Datos POS
> path = /home/pos/Datos
> guest ok = No
> public = No
> valid users = caja
> writeable = Yes
> browseable = Yes
> ______________________________
> ####################
> Carlos Barros
> ####################
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