>From: "pinotgore" <wineforum-user at winehq.org>
>could you provide some more information. I have been studying computer audio
but need to know a few more details about your issue.
Mike Freeman and I have the same problem. When I use the change you provided I
don't have the old alsa tools any more, including alsamixer, and I need
Also, I was doing fine just killing pulseaudio at startup and modifying the
/opt/pulse/client.conf script to disable autospawn. I think the work-around is
probably not necessary for what I need.
I tried the workaround because of audio problems that developed within the past
couple of days, but the problems seem to be with wine, and not anything to do
with the pulseaudio interface. Because I was using alsa before, and alsa
wasn't one of the drivers that was removed.