I am running PPTVIEW.EXE (power point viewer). I want to control how it shows up on the screen, different everytime I run it. By default it goes fullscreen no borders. I now run: wine explorer /desktop=default,800x600 PPTVIEW.EXE file.ppt and I get a 800x600 window with borders - How can I not have any borders??? When I run wine explorer /desktop=root,800x600 PPTVIEW.EXE file.ppt I get a fullscreen 1600x1200 window. I am just trying to control what PPTVIEW.EXE thinks it has as a screen size. I want the full screen behavior (no borders) but make it think the screen is only 800x600. How do I do that? I need to use the command line as it will be different for every time it is run. Thanks, Jerry
2006-Dec-31 11:13 UTC
[Wine] controlling an apps screen size and/or borders
> How do I do that? I need to use the command line as it will be different > for every > time it is run.I don't really know how to do this by the command line; however, you can do it rather easily with modifications of your ~/.wine/user.ref if you know sed: in ~/.wine/user.reg, there is a key [Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver] 1167518730 "Desktop"="640x480" "DXGrab"="Y" "Managed"="Y" that tells wine to run in desktop mode, and the resolution it will use; you can easily alter this line with sed (for example, sed 's/"Desktop"="[^"]*"/"Desktop"="(your resolution)"/'). (By the way, you most probably won't get 1167518730 on the X11 driver line in ~/.wine/user.reg, this value seems to be changing regularly) -- Fabrice DELENTE