looking in the wiki and compare F7 and F8 there is a missing package in F8.
Could you try "yum install alsa-lib-devel" before you compile wine?
Keith Allcock wrote:> Hi,
> I have been trying to compile wine from source, and whilst everything
> works I fail to get alsa support.
> I am on Fedora 8 and have all the dependent packages installed as per
> the wiki.
> I can replicate the issue on my i386 by removing/renaming the file
> winealsa.drv.so from /usr/local/lib/wine.
> This file is in place on the x86_64 box but doesn't resolve it.
> I have added symlinks to the file in /usr/lib64/wine and /usr/lib/wine
> without any change.
> The problem is demonstrated by going to the audio tab in winecfg and
> failing to have ALSA options.
> Can anyone help?
> Cheers
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