Millo Giovanni
2011-Sep-22 16:07 UTC
[R] corrigendum on fixed effects and R2 in within models
Dear list, dear Cecilia and Daniel, sorry for coming in ten days late, I've been very busy lately so I came across this email only today. This is just to make some points clearer re: fixed effects and r2 in package 'plm', to both you and the list. In particular, to make you aware of some additional features. Please see my comments below, with '##'. Best, Giovanni ------------ original thread ------------------ Message: 49 Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 21:43:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Daniel Malter <daniel at> To: r-help at Subject: Re: [R] plm package, R squared, dummies in panel data Message-ID: < at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Hi, I answered this question before in this post: 14.html , specifically in my message from May 11, 2010; 4:30pm. However, I believe the newer version of plm shows an R-squared, which should be the within R-squared. ## it is, at least in the case of "within" models. Actually, for each model it is the r-squared on the relevant transformed data. Why the programmers of the package decided to not show the others or to not provide a test of the significance of the a(i)s, I don't know. ## in fact we do, and we have done since mid-2010 (shortly after the thread you reference in your post). See ?r.squared, and in particular be aware of the 'model' argument. The a_i are there as well, see below. PS as for the general reason for not doing something, lack of time is always a good guess ;^) As for your second question, the plm function has an option as to whether the FEs should be "id", "time", or "twoways", i.e., for id and time. I would guess that then the time FEs are not estimated either but differenced out, too. ## sort of. The standard way for estimating one or two-ways FE models is to demean the data. If you want the first-difference model, try plm(..., model="fd"). ## The fixed effects are nevertheless available, they can be recovered later: see ?fixef and ?summary.fixef for t-tests for significance of single effects. See ?pooltest for the joint test of significance of all FEs. This should affect the within/between variance and therefore the within and between R-squareds. ## it is the (different flavours of-) r2s that are *defined* according to the transformation used. Yet, as I said above, you can have them all, just ask (-the software!). HTH, Daniel Cecilia Carmo wrote:> > Hi R-helpers, > > > > I have two questions I hope you could help me with them: > > > > In the plm package how can I calculate the R2 within, R2 between andR2> overall? Is there any special reason to not display these values? > > > > When using first differences do I need to have some special care with > dummies (both year dummies and industry dummies)? > > (A friend who works with Stata told me that there is necessary to > construct > some ?accumulated dummies?.) > > > > Thank you very much, > > > > Cec?lia Carmo > > (Universidade de Aveiro ? Portugal)---------- end original thread ------------- Giovanni Millo, PhD Research Dept., Assicurazioni Generali SpA Via Machiavelli 4, 34132 Trieste (Italy) tel. +39 040 671184 fax +39 040 671160 ? Ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 si precisa che le informazi...{{dropped:12}}