Displaying 20 results from an estimated 223 matches for "plm".
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2009 Apr 25
plm Hausman-Taylor model
Dear all-
I am have trouble in using the model="ht" option in function plm from
the plm library. I am using
Package: plm Version: 1.1-1; R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) running on a
FC-8 linux machine.
Here is what I am trying to do:
R> ###Prob 6 Chapter 3 Use R! Applied Econometrics wit...
2009 May 08
plm: plm.data vs pdata.frame
I am trying to use the plm package for panel econometrics. I am just
trying to get started and load my data. It seems from most of the
sample documentation that I need to use the pdata.frame function to
get my data loaded. However, even after installing the "plm" package,
my R installation cannot find the function....
2009 Jul 09
plm Issues
Hi List
I'm having difficulty understanding how plm should work with dynamic
formulas. See the commands and output below on a standard data set. Notice
that the first summary(plm(...)) call returns the same result as the second
(it shouldn't if it actually uses the lagged variable requested). The third
call results in error (trying to use diff...
2012 Oct 10
Exporting summary plm results to latex
Dear all,
I am trying to export my fixed effect results to Latex. I am using the plm package with the summary function. However, it does not look like apsrtable, stargazer, or any other package can accompany using the plm package.
I am interested in a classic table with the coefficient in one row followed by the standard error in paranthesis in the next row and stars by the coeff...
2009 Aug 03
plm summary error
Dear "plm"-Package insiders,
[I posted the following observation is April already but unfortunately I am not aware of any answers.
With the hope that someone found an answer in the mean time, I ask again:]
I realized the following difficulty with the summary.plm function (demonstrated with the exa...
2013 Sep 04
Attribute Length Error when Trying plm Regression
head=TRUE, sep=",")
Verified it read in correctly and had a good data.frame:
[1] 1494 5
>drugs XX
produce expected data with correct column names
The issue is, when I go to run the plm using:
>fixed <- plm (h ~ o + m + a, data=drugsXX, index=c("h","year"),
I get this error:
Error in names(y) <- namesy :
'names' attribute [996] must be the same length as the vector [0]
I know the data recognizes that I have 5 col...
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that
includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual
effect for the coefficient on the independent variable.
That is, I would like to estimate the model:
Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it
Where i denotes individua...
2010 May 24
Fixed Effects Estimations (in Panel Data)
dear readers---I struggled with how to do nice fixed-effects
regressions in large economic samples for a while. Eventually, I
realized that nlme is not really what I needed (too complex), and all
I really wanted is the plm package. so, I thought I would share a
quick example.
################ sample code to show fixed-effects models? in R
# create a sample panel data set with firms and years
fm= as.factor( c(rep("A", 5),? rep("B", 5),? rep("C", 5),? rep("D", 5)...
2009 Jan 21
trouble switching to 'plm' from 'xtabond' and Stata
I am switching to R from Stata and I am having particular trouble with
the transition from Stata's 'xtabond' and 'ivreg' commands to the
"plm" package. I am trying to replicate some of the dynamic panel data
work using the UK Employment data in Arellano and Bond (1991) and
available as 'EmplUK' under the 'plm' package.
I have been reading "Panel Data Econometrics in R: The plm Package" by
Croissant a...
2010 Aug 26
anova for plm objects
Dear All,
I'm looking to perform an ANOVA between two nested panel fixed effects models. I tried with anova, as well as with waldtest. anova tells me there is no method available for plm objects, while waldtest tells me my models are not nested. I think they are instead. The difference between the two models is that in the second I let the regression coefficients of a given variable variate according to a factor.
depFE.plm = plm(urate ~ l1_urate + month, model = "with...
2012 Apr 26
PLM package PGGLS strange behavior
When using the PLM package (version 1.2-8), I encounter the probem that
calling the FGLS estimator evokes strange behavior, when choosing the
"random" effects model. After calling the PGGLS function to estimate FGLS,
PLM gives me a warning, stating that the "random" model has been replaced
with th...
2006 Nov 22
problem with the plm package
Hi all,
I have a problem in installing and using the plm
package using R 2.2.0 on windows xp.
I installed it from a .zip file downloaded from
the CRAN. Apparently everything is ok:
> utils:::menuInstallLocal()
package 'plm' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
updating HTML package descriptions
However, when I try to load it:
2011 Nov 23
R: Problems using log() in a plm() regression.
Hello. Just a quick follow-up, for other 'plm' users on the list:
- the problem turned out to be logs of zero values hidden in the big dataset
- trying log(xx) would not reveal the problem, because log(0)=-Inf is a valid result in log() while it is an invalid input to plm()
--> it is always advisable to try lm(yourformula, yourdata) as...
2011 Feb 10
Longitudinal Weights in PLM package
Hi all,
I a semi-beginner with R and I am working with the plm package to examine a
longitudinal dataset. Each individual in this dataset has a longitudinal
weight for the probability that he or she remains in the sample.
Unfortunately, I have not found an argument to use weights in the plm
function? I tried ?weights=? like in standard lm or in nlme or lm4 b...
2020 Sep 21
ceph vfs can't find specific path
Using two file server with samba 4.12.6 running as a CTDB cluster and trying to share a specific path on a cephfs. After loading the config the ctdb log shows the following error:
ctdb-eventd[248]: 50.samba: ERROR: samba directory "/plm" not available
Here is my samba configuration:
clustering = Yes
netbios name = FSCLUSTER
registry shares = Yes
security = ADS
workgroup = INT.EXAMPLE.COM
map acl inherit = Yes
vfs objects = acl_xattr
guest ok = Yes
inherit permissions = Ye...
2017 Jun 12
issues in plm using random effect model
Dear Kailas Gokhale,
The negative individual variance is not a problem with your code or plm.
It a property of your data. Please check the posts of Giovanni Millo on
this topic:
[R] R: plm random effect: the estimated variance of the individual
effect is negative
Millo Giovanni Giovanni_Millo at Generali.com
Sat Jan 5 10:10:01 CET 2013
You can find the posts in the archive by rseek.or...
2010 Mar 16
plm "within" models: is the correct F-statistic reported?
Dear R users
I get different F-statistic results for a "within" model, when using
"time" or "twoways" effects in plm() [1] and when manually specifying
the time control dummies [2].
[1] vignette("plm")
[2] http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Farnsworth-EconometricsInR.pdf
Two examples below:
data("Grunfeld", package = "AER")
gr <...
2012 Dec 29
I need intercept in plm model
Hi,R 2.15.2 plm() function on Windows 7
when i perform a plm regression, i can't manage to obtain the intercept, but I need it.it gives me just the beta coefficient.
my formula: fixed <- plm(deltaS ~ L1.deltaS + L2.deltaS, data=Mody_R, index=c("country_id", "date"), model="within&qu...
2009 Nov 27
problem with "dynformula" from "plm" package
Hello list,
I'm following the paper (http://www.jstatsoft.org/v27/i02/paper) on how to
use "plm" to run panel regressions, and am having trouble with what I
believe should be something very basic.
When I run the command (p.9 in the paper):
I see:
emp ~ wage + capital...
2012 Jul 24
Plm on splitted data
Hi all
I want to use plm function on splitted dataset but facing problems while
doing it.
I did the same for lm function it worked fine but now my problem forces me
to use lags into it while in a single set I have multiple type of data,
which I believe can only be done with panel data.
The code I am using is
A = split(m...