On 15.02.2010 06:34, Roslina Zakaria wrote:> Hi r-users,
> I hope somebody can help me to understand the error message. Here is my
> ## Newton iteration
> newton_gam<- function(z)
> { n<- length(z)
> r<- runif(n)
> tol<- 1E-6
> cdf<- vector(length=n, mode="numeric")
> fprime<- vector(length=n, mode="numeric")
> f<- vector(length=n, mode="numeric")
> for (i in 1:1000)
> { cdf<- integrate(fprime, lower = 0, upper = z)$value
fprime is a vector of zeros here, not a function...
> f<- cdf - r
> # Newton method
> z<- z - f/fprime
... and given fprime is a vector of zeros, f/fprime this is infinite or
> if (any(f< tol)) break
> }
> cbind(z,cdf)
> }
> alp<- 2.0165
> bt1<- 29.107 ; bt2<- 41.517
> x1<- d1d4pos[,1];x1[1:10]
> x2<- d1d4pos[,2];x2[1:10]
>> x1<- d1d4pos[,1];x1[1:10]
We do not have d1d4pos.
Please ......!
Uwe Ligges
> [1] 28.4 53.6 1.3 29.5 52.1 65.9 72.6 67.6 58.7 34.5
>> x2<- d1d4pos[,2];x2[1:10]
> [1] 43.5 56.2 0.3 16.6 71.1 86.3 172.8 111.8 89.9 70.2
> z<- (x1/bt1)+(x2/bt2); z
> newton_gam(min(z))
> newton_gam(max(z))
> Error in -`*tmp*` : invalid argument to unary operator
>> newton_gam(min(z))
> z cdf
> [1,] Inf 1.141004e-05
>> newton_gam(max(z))
> Error in integrate(fprime, lower = 0, upper = z) :
> non-finite function value
>> z[100]
> [1] 7.544834
>> newton_gam(z[100])
> Error in integrate(fprime, lower = 0, upper = z) :
> non-finite function value
> Thank you.
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