Chris Siebenmann
2008-Jun-05 16:02 UTC
[zfs-discuss] Tracking down the causes of a mysteriously shrinking ARC cache?
I have a test Solaris machine with 8 GB of memory. When freshly booted, the ARC consumes 5 GB (and I would be happy to make it consume more) and file-level prefetching works great even when I hit the machine with a lot of simultaneous sequential reads. But overnight, the ARC has shrunk to 2 GB (as reported by and file-level prefetching is (as expected at that level) absolutely murdering the performance of simultaneous sequential reads. So: is there any way to find out what is consuming the memory and causing the ARC to shrink (and/or to reset its target size, since reports reports that ''c'', the ARC target size, is also 2GB)? I''ve looked at ps, which shows no large processes, I have a ::kmastat dump from mdb (but I don''t know much about how to read it), top still reports that the system has 8 GB, and vmstat says that there is 1 GB of free memory and no paging activity. Also, is there any way to force-reset the size of the ARC on a live system, so I could at least periodically kick its maximum size up to 5 GB or 6 GB or so and hope that it sticks? Thanks in advance. - cks