2011-Aug-06 17:11 UTC
[Wine] Softonic Downloader needs an internet connection to function
I need to install Avery DesignPro under Ubuntu 11.04. SoftonicDownloader_for_avery-designpro.exe starts running just fine. It then terminates with the following error message: Softonic Downloader needs an internet connection to function. Please connect and try again. My PC is running. it is connected to cable Internet. Firefox, Evolution, and software downloads are running fine. Is the Softonic downloader looking for MS Internet Explorer to be running? Is there a work around. How much does Codeweavers charge to fix this? John
2011-Aug-06 18:29 UTC
[Wine] Re: Softonic Downloader needs an internet connection to function
cigtoxdoc wrote:> > How much does Codeweavers charge to fix this? >Ask them. This forum is for plain Wine, not Crossover. If you are using plain Wine, what version? If it's not the latest development release, upgrade. If that doesn't fix it, post terminal output.