Lord_Valarian wrote:>
> > Nexus: The Jupiter Incident is protected using SafeDisc. Currently,
Wine cannot run games off a cd that are protected using SafeDisc. A simple
workaround would be to use no cd executables.
> Can the problems with wine installation be fixed? Are there plans to fix
it? I need to know if it's lost cause to install it. I don't have the
no cd exe, nor would I trust it not to have viruses.
That quote is incorrect. Wine can run SafeDisk protected games. The trick here
is - what version of SafeDisk is used. All versions up-to and including 3.x
should work on Wine. Version 4.x is iffy and your mileage way vary.
Anything newer then 4.x most likely won't work, as it uses extra invasive
kernel drivers.