An app I run has a feature to allow the user to choose how many CPU's to use
to run an optimisation procedure. My system has 8 cores. It can dual boot to
Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 64bits. Running the app under Windows 7 and choosing
8 CPU's for optimisation, the speed is greatly improved over using just 1
CPU. But when I use Wine (1.3.23) on Ubuntu and choose 8 CPU's, it seems
even much slower than using 1 CPU. There seems to be some bottleneck (possibly
due to locks for synchronisation) somewhere. This is evidenced by how the
optimisation step number is reported. Instead of seeing a nearly continuous
step number running through (like when using 1 CPU), I noticed with multiple
CPU's, the step number jumps by the number of CPU's each time it changes
after a pause in between.
How is the status of Wine handling multiple CPU's at the moment? Is the
phenomenon I see a known issue of Wine in general? Or is it a specific issue of
my app running with Wine?