could you please post some more information ? Which wine version and i think the
output from the terminal would be interest to see.
--- Galileo <wineforum-user at winehq.org> schrieb am Mo, 31.1.2011:
Von: Galileo <wineforum-user at winehq.org>
Betreff: [Wine] Files dbf and cdx - net linux
An: wine-users at winehq.org
Datum: Montag, 31. Januar, 2011 18:06 Uhr
I am trying to acces to a software in a network, from a terminal. This terminal
works on Windows, so I use Wine. I could execute the software, but some errors
appear. It seams that it couldn't create in the right way the indexes in the
data base (.dbf and cdx files). I think that the software was programed with
Visual Fox Pro (but I am not sure)
I will appreciate yours comments and suggestions.
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