2010-Dec-08 17:04 UTC
[Wine] Wine fails to install/uninstall windows apps
I have Ubuntu lucid and trying to install Paint Shop Pro 8 on my system. I do Applications>Wine>Wine configuration>Add application (psp8 ev in my case). I choose Windows XP as Windows version and [ok]. Nothing happens. So I go to the user/.wine dir and I try to install psp by clicking it from there. An installer appairs and asks me to remove/repair/modify my previous attempt to install that damned software. First I try repair, but Wine stops me warning about a failure in msiexec.exe. My wine version is 1.2 Thanks in advance
I've tried to get Paint Shop Pro over several versions including 8 to run in Wine, but I've never gotten anything even remotely close to current to run... luckily the person I was trying to get it to work for finally found the new Photoshop Elements and liked it better and it has a native OSX version. Good luck in trying, but don't get your hopes up.
Maybe Matching Threads
- Paint Shop Pro 8
- Where to put dll files for applications on a wine system?
- msiexec errors while installing paint shop pro
- Unable to instal vcrun2005/vcrun2008 MSCOREE.DLL
- Photoshop CS2 Crash under Wine, "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable."