Guten Tag, Ich habe ein Debian lenny 64 Bit Server. Auf diesem l?uft FreeNX und ich m?chte WineWinrar drauf machen. Nur jedes mal wenn ich Wine starten will kommt diese Meldung: Code: It appears that libnss-mdns is installed on your system, but lib32nss-mdns is not. Please note that Wine will not be able to access the Internet unless you either install lib32nss-mdns, or uninstall libnss-mdns. (okay) An was k?nnte das liegen lib32nss-mdns ist n?mlich installiert? Gru? Dany
(I'm not a fluent German speaker, but I can understand written German) You have the 32-bit version of Wine installed, therefore you need to link Wine to 32-bit librairies (the 64-bit build is not ready to be used by common users yet). The "libnss-mdns" package you have installed contains 64-bit librairies, the "lib32nss-mdns" contains the 32-bit librairies. I don't think that having both packages installed will cause a conflict.
if you already have lib32nss-mdns installed as you say then just try to do what that error message tells you to: uninstall libnss-mdns. wenn du lib32nss-mdns bereits installierst hast dann versuch doch einfach das zu tun, was dir diefehlermeldung vorschl?gt: deinstalliere libnss-mdns.