Running on a fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid and WINE 1.1.10 I'm having some issues running warcraft 3 (the only game I play, so this is somewhat offputting). When starting Warcraft in normal (direct3d) mode the top and bottom panels stay there (making the game unplayable). I'm able to use -opengl and the game fullscreens correctly, but then when I start listchecker (a hosting tool which I'm also running under WINE) and then do something with it that hooks into warcraft 3 (like hosting a game) my warcraft graphics mess up and become mostly a white screen (and when alt+tabbing between warcraft 3 and listchecker I have to usually do it twice). This happens even if I try to make the call to listchecker while having wc3 maximized by telling it to host a game from warcraft. The listchecker problem goes away when using direct3d mode, but as I said the panels stay there when using d3d. Any help would be much appreciated. P.S. if anyone happens to know what Garena is and if there's a way to make that work correctly I'd also really like to know. I know I should probably just use windows with all this custom bullshit, but I really would rather not =/