Hey, I'm running Wine 1.1 on OS-X Leopard, and am trying to figure out how to tell Finder to open all files with a .exe extension to open with Wine. The only way I can think of is to create a new .app folder with just enough information to link to the actual Wine executable. I took apart the .app package of jEdit and replaced all references to jEdit with ones for Wine, then symlinked the real Wine executable to the Contents/MacOS directory. Here is the info.plist file I tore apart: Code: <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>wine</string> <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key> <string>wine windows emulator</string> <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>icon.icns</string> <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>wine</string> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> </dict> </plist> Firstly, does anyone know if this can even be done? Second, if it can, what am I doing wrong? When I try to launch a Window$ application with it, X comes up like its supposed to, but there's no visible activity beyond that. Thanks in advance, - Jeremy
Skip it, I got it working. I downloaded the crap-tastic Darwine from http://www.kronenberg.org/darwine (http://www.kronenberg.org/darwine/), but there was no sound support and it would not run Total Annihilation. To fix that, I dove into the Darwine/Wine.bundle package, renamed the wine binary, and symlinked the real Wine binary I previously compiled. Now I have audio support and Total Annihilation works like a charm! I wish that we could turn this into a nice Mac installer package, I mean how hard could it be? We include the necessary dependencies, tell it to compile, and tell it to copy a slightly modified version of Winehelper from the Darwine distribution to the Applications folder. Sounds easy. Oh well, n00bs can follow these steps to get Wine 1.1 to run like it belongs: 1. Get Xcode and X11 if you don't have them already. 2. Get MacPorts. 3. Download the latest Wine Source off the main downloads page. 4. Extract the files and open a terminal in the new folder (easy way is to open the terminal, type cd and drag the folder icon from the title bar into the terminal). 5. In the terminal, type: ./configure --verbose 6. it will tell you you are missing certain libraries for application support, to get them, do an initial "sudo port selfupdate" without quotes in the terminal. Then, type "sudo port install nameoflibrary" where nameoflibrary would look like libpng, fontforge, etc. If port kicks back with an "I can't find it" error, do port search nameoflibrary but strip any mention of "lib" or any numbers from the name (so libxml20 becomes xml). Install whatever library name the port database actually has, they're usually what you need. 7. Do the ./configure --verbose again. 8. Any remaining "missing" features aren't important. Type "make depend && make" into the terminal. 9. Type sudo make install. Congratulations, you've done the hardest part! Now to fake out the Winehelper app from Darwine... 10. Download and install Darwine from http://www.kronenberg.org/darwine (http://www.kronenberg.org/darwine/) and do what it tells you. 11. Go into the Darwine folder in your Applications directory and control-click the Wine.bundle package, select "Show Package Contents". 12. Go to Contents/bin and rename the file "wine" to something else, maybe wine2 or something. 13. Open your terminal and type "ln -s /usr/local/bin/wine /Applications/Darwine/Wine.bundle/Contents/bin/wine" 14. Still in the terminal, type winecfg. Go to the Audio tab, don't touch anything, go to the graphics tab, only touch the Emulate Virtual Desktop thing if you have problems running a 3D program. I had to set it to 1024x768 to run Total Annihilation correctly, your usage will vary. Click OK to save and quit. There you have it! You can now use WineHelper to run your windows programs!
Good to know, but if that's true, why did symlinking over the wine binary fix my problem?
The builds of Darwine from http://thisismyinter.net/?p=47 (which i compile) have all the necessary libraries as far as i know. For a list of all the libraries that i installed for Darwine, see http://thisismyinter.net/?p=45 - maybe i missed one? Feel free to let me know if thats the case and i'll add it in. As for turning this into a "nice Mac installer package" I'd point you back to the previous link (/?p=47) where i do exactly that. There's no need to force everyone to install XCode to compile Wine and necessary libraries. I haven't heard of many issues about people not having the proper libraries from my packages. And the issues i have heard of (libxml2/libxslt-related) were fixed quickly enough. The only libraries that i *dont* have are libcapi20 and libhal. libhal because HAL needs things from the *nix kerel and isn't compatible with OS X as far as i ca tell. And i cant eve find where to download libcapi20. But who uses IDSN still ayway..? True, i'm not the first hit im google like the kronenberg.org builds are, but these builds are still on the first page of google. Skimming the page might have saved you some trouble and anger.. -Zach -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-users/attachments/20080710/8041462f/attachment.htm
Zach wrote:> On 7/10/08, therealmccoy <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote: > > Maybe there was something wrong with the builds from kronenberg and when you > compiled on your own, they were fixed? I don't know exactly. All i know is > that the problems you have/had the kronenberg builds aren't ones that i have > been told about with the builds that i create. > > Also, maybe try emailing Mike? He seemed responsive last time i emailed him > with a question. His address is listed on his site somewhere. > > -ZachCool, I downloaded your Darwine and the stable version seems pretty good. Your unstable of 1.1 has an installer issue however, it doesn't copy a proper WineHelper or Read Me.html to the Darwine folder. Also, while Total Annihilation will run off your binary, I get a bunch of OpenGL support missing errors -- errors that disappeared when I symlinked the version I compiled myself. This is probably a libhal related thing, but I also can't get DVD Decrypter to recognize any drives on either of our builds. Not a super big deal, but I like DVD Decrypter a lot better than MacTheRipper. Question: Since you are more involved with Darwine than most, what's the status of that no-X-required Quartz driver thing? Last time I checked (which was a long time ago), the site for the official version hadn't been updated for a couple years. Since Darwine development seems to have been passed on to real developers like you, maybe you know someone who has a more up-to-date version?