MS Project 2003 seems to mostly work in Wine RC1 but it needs to use a html renderer to do anything useful. The problem is that whatever it uses need to be in the trusted zone in the Internet Explorer options which I don't know how to access. I tried to install IEs4Linux but that installs into its own wine environment ~/.ies4linux/ie6/ instead of ~/.wine/ so Project can't get use the settings. Here's the error ( Is there a way to: Install IE into the ~/.wine/ environment Use the Internet Options from the ~/.ies4linux/ie6/ environment and transfer them to ~/.wine/ and use the Gecko renderer Access the Internet Options dialog in vanilla flavoured Wine or Install Project into ~/.ies4linux/ie6/ instead ? Thanks in advance
2008/5/24 quantumphaze <wineforum-user at>:> MS Project 2003 seems to mostly work in Wine RC1 but it needs to use a html renderer to do anything useful. > The problem is that whatever it uses need to be in the trusted zone in the Internet Explorer options which I don't know how to access. I tried to install IEs4Linux but that installs into its own wine environment ~/.ies4linux/ie6/ instead of ~/.wine/ so Project can't get use the settings.> Install Project into ~/.ies4linux/ie6/ instead > ?IEs4Linux is off-topic for here, but you should be able to do something like this from the commandline: export WINEPREFIX=~/.ies4linux/ie6 cd [wherever the installer is] wine setup.exe [or however you start the installer] This is how you can set up any number of wineprefixes and install apps in each as you please. - d.
Thanks for the quick response. Well Project setup.exe refuses to run in the ies4linux environment. I also checked if it was just RC1 and setup.exe works fine in ~/.wine so the hacks by ies4linux mess something up there. Is there a way to access the Internet Options without installing IE or any guides on doing it manually? (dread the thought) I doubt my option B would be feasible so I won't bother with that one. All I need it to put "gbui://mainpage.htm" in the Trusted Zone in Internet Options. Though if Project works with Gecko at all after that I'll be very surprised.