Since I updated to Ubuntu 8.04 yesterday I have lost the UK short date format DDMMYYYY and am having a real problem setting it system wide. (I now have the US MMDDYYYY format.) Ubuntu 8.04 appears to ignore the LANG="en_GB.UTF-8" line in etc/environment which fixed the issue in 7.10. The apps I run on wine all use the short date format so here is my question. Is it possible to make wine override the system settings and set its own short date format?
Here's an answer to my own question. I hope it helps others. I've found a solution that works for me in Quicken and Agent. Some apps take the short date format from ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/win.ini and some take it from ~/.wine/user.reg so it is necessary to amend both. In user.reg look for sShortDate= under [Control Panel \\ International] and change to sShortDate="dd/MM/yyyy" . in win.ini look for sShortDate= under [intl] and change to sShortDate="dd/MM/yyyy" .
I spoke too soon. Agent has held the settings but Quicken has now reverted to US short date format. Weird!
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Terryphi <wineforum-user at> wrote:> I spoke too soon. Agent has held the settings but Quicken has now reverted to US short date format. Weird!Please file a bug at
The setting in user.reg somehow got overwritten. I have reset it to the required format and Quicken now shows UK short date format. I'll keep an eye on it during the next few days and see how it goes.
Confirmed working OK. Problem solved. :)
Vito, All I can suggest is that you keep trying. I did a few tests after reading your post and found that Agent (but not Quicken) had reverted to US format. When I checked win.ini I found it had somehow been overwritten with the US format. Don't ask me how! I amended the line in win.ini and everything is fine again. What we need is a developer to explain why the line gets overwritten. BTW I am using wine 0.9.59 .
Dan Kegel wrote:> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Terryphi <wineforum-user at> wrote: > > > All I can suggest is that you keep trying. I did a few tests after reading your post and found that Agent (but not Quicken) had reverted to US format. When I checked win.ini I found it had somehow been overwritten with the US format. Don't ask me how! I amended the line in win.ini and everything is fine again. > > > > What we need is a developer to explain why the line gets overwritten. > > > > The way to do that is to file a bug at http://bugs.winehq.orgMost likely running wineprefix create since it doesn't check the content of the ini files before overwriting them.
Thanks, vitamin. Is there any workaround or should I report a bug?