On 19 Sep 2001, d2o wrote:
> I've recently installed RH Linux 7.0 on my home PC
> I've downloaded a wine rpm (wine-20010919-1.i386) to run my windows
> programs.
> But when I try to install it (thru gnorpm) it gives two dependecy
> errors
> 1) libXrender.so.1 &
> 2) freetype.so.6 (I dont remember this correctly)
> if I understand correctly, these libraries are part of XFree86 libs,
> so why I am getting this message ? and what is the solution to this?
They might be part of XFree86-4.x, but I don't have them.
rpm -q XFree86
and I doubt they are in any earlier XFree86 than 4.
Well, you could take the bull by the horns and upgrade to the newest
XFree86, or upgrade to the newest RH release, or get a Wine rpm that
suits your system, or get the Wine source and brew your own Wine.
If you want an rpm, you can build one from the source rpm (directory
SRPMS in the distro, IIRC). Wine doesn't need those libraries unless
they were present when it was ./configured...
(from <wine>/ANNOUNCE):
It should also be available from any other site that mirrors ibiblio.org.
For more download locations, see http://ftpsearch.lycos.com. These
locations also hold pre-built documentation packages in various
formats: wine-doc-html.tar.gz, wine-doc-txt.tar.gz, wine-doc.pdf.gz
and wine-doc.ps.gz.
You can also get the current source directly from the CVS tree. Check
http://www.winehq.com/dev.shtml for details.
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