On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Bruce Lavoie wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm very new to this whole wine app so please stick with me. I have
> installed wine 1.0 from codeweavers and am having mixed success with it,
No you didn't. There is not yet a wine 1.0. The current release
available by ftp is Wine-20010326.
> for example: I am able to intall the motorola 56000 software
> developement tools under the ~/.wine/fake_windows/Program Files/
> directory and can actually use the assembler if I explicitly tell wine
> the full path
> wine -- /home/lavoieb/.wine/fake_windows/Program\
> Files/motorola/DSP/dsp/bin/asm56000.exe -A -B foo.asm (this works
> correctly)
> if I don't pass wine the full path (even though I have the assemblers
> path included) it exits with a code 2 and the file is not assembled
Included where? Wine doesn't find windows executables by the linux
PATH, if that is what you mean. It should search the path in
"Path"(if your wine is older than 20001222, the config file will be
instead, or wherever Codeweavers decided to put /usr/local/etc/wine.conf
> wine asm56000.exe -A -B foo.asm (does not work, exits with
> code 2 ?)
That sounds like what you think is wine is in fact winelauncher,
a user-friendly shell script that runs wine for you, loses or interprets
the console output, and reports an exit code.>
> Also, I cannot see an output from Wine --version , wine exits with
> success but does not show me the version?
I think wine tries, but winelauncher eats it. Try this:
Script started on Tue Mar 27 23:53:34 2001
[whit@giftie windose]$ file $(which wine)
/usr/local/bin/wine: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1,
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
[whit@giftie windose]$ file $(which winelauncher)
/usr/local/bin/winelauncher: Bourne shell script text
[whit@giftie windose]$ exit
If your wine looks like my winelauncher, _maybe_ wine is named wine.bin
and you will have better luck with
wine.bin --version
Or maybe a ps ax from another console will show you what is actually
running when you think you run wine.
Script done on Tue Mar 27 23:54:50 2001>
> I'll be grateful for any help,
> Bruce
The sources will be available from the following locations:
It should also be available from any other site that mirrors ibiblio.org.
For more download locations, see http://ftpsearch.lycos.com. These
locations also hold pre-built documentation packages in various
formats: wine-doc-html.tar.gz, wine-doc-txt.tar.gz, wine-doc.pdf.gz
and wine-doc.ps.gz.
You can also get the current source directly from the CVS tree. Check
http://www.winehq.com/dev.html for details.
I think all these user-friendly packages are more trouble than they are
worth and wine is best to build from the source, but YMMV.
>< Microsoft free environment
This mail client runs on Wine. Your mileage may vary.
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