I'm not an expert but here's basically what I
understand of this:
- The core of your RedHat Linux 6.0 is sort of the
equivalent of Microsoft DOS: not very pretty and
difficult to use.
- So on top of this core, there is XFree (or X11),
the "equivalent" of Microsoft Windows: much prettier
and easier to use, but not fast enough, especially
for games.
- So on top of XFree, there is MesaGL, an OpenGL
implementation, a kind of equivalent of Microsoft
DirectX, so that you can use 2D&3D graphics
All "libXxx.so.nnn" files are libraries, small pieces
of programs (objects) that can be used by other
programs. libGL.so.1 is version 1 of Shared-Object
(so) library named GL. this library implements the
main part of OpenGL, therefore it is used by almost
all programs that want to do faster graphics
(accelerated 2D or 3D).
Since XFree4, MesaGL is a part of XFree (they are
packaged together) so you don't have to care... But
RedHat is old, so you don't have XFree4.
Before that (you must have XFree3):
- MesaGL and XFree3 were independant;
- MesaGL libraries often were called
"libMesaXxx.so.nnn" instead of "libXxx.so.nnn";
- MesaGL was not always installed by default.
If you know windows, you must have noticed that
almost nothing prevents you to install something that
won't work. Instead, when you try to run a program,
it may complain that this or that file is missing
(usually a Xxx.dll file, the equivalent of Linux
libXxx.so.nnn file).
Besides, in Windows, a program that requires version
A of "foo.dll" will install it, and another program
thar requires version B of "foo.dll" will overwrite
it. If version A and B are not compatible, one of the
two programs is bound to crash if you try to run it.
All that because you cannot say from the name
"foo.dll" if it is version A or B.
In Linux RPM system, each RPM file comes with a name,
a version, the list of all capabilities that this RPM
provides to others, and the list of capabilities
required from already installed RPM. This system
ensures that:
- you cannot remove a RPM file if it provides
capabilities used by other RPM files;
- you can have different versions of a library since
the version numbers are different;
- you cannot install a RPM file if it needs something
that you don't have.
This last is what happened to you.
(2) WHERE?
=========First you can look if you already have it. Do the
following in a terminal window:
find /usr -name "lib*GL*.so*" -exec ls -l {} \;
If one of the names look like "libMesaGL.so.nnn" of
"libGL.so.nnn", then
- go into the directory containing this file,
- look for the one with the highest "nnn" and do:
ln -s name_of_the_file_here libGL.so.1
- hope it will work...
If the above case cannot help you, neither can I,
sorry. Maybe MesaGL is not installed (you can find it
at rpmfind.net), or maybe not in the right
Anyway, I'd recommend to you to install from sources
instead of a RPM. The sources "move fast", are more
And Wine sources are VERY easy to install and use.
I hope this helps...
-----De: "Zain Cassimjee"-----
I have...Redhat 6.0, I...install wine...RPM file:
Failed Dependency : libGL.so.1
1. What does this mean?
2. Where do I get libGL.so.1 from (That will work
with Redhat 6.0)?
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