Hi, all. I'm setting up a system that streams audio from a public radio
to it's transmitter on a mountaintop via a wireless IP link. The stream is a
high quality ogg-vorbis stream (around 200 kbps). The server (icecast) is
working perfectly.
The client (I'm using ogg123) has to connect 24/7/365, but it occasionally
(maybe every couple of days) looses the stream and stops. So I'm presently
starting it up in a shell script as an infinite loop (while true, ogg123 ...)
and putting it in the background NOHUP. Works fine, but I was wondering if
anyone had a better way to do this.
Also, would it be a good idea to restart the stream every, say, 4am, to deal
with time-sync differences between the sound cards?
Jeff Simmons jsimmons@goblin.punk.net
Simmons Consulting - Network Engineering, Administration, Security
"By these actions SRL became the first to operate intentionally lethal
machinery over the net with standard browser software."
-- Survival Research Laboratories