Hello again, Today is a break in the Debian conference action here in Edinburgh, Scotland. Talks will resume tomorrow and continue through Saturday. The streams are mirrored by a network managed with geodns. Use the URL below and you will be redirected to an appropriate mirror: http://streams.video.debconf.org:8000/ In case you've missed any of the talks from the past 4 days, the archive is coming online as checking of recorded files and transcoding proceeds: http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2007/debconf7/ Note that these encodings have not all been checked. Since we have the raw DV stored to disk we can go back and rework problem files to some degree. If we have to we also have tape from the main camera in each room (not the mixed video) as backup. As you can perhaps imagine, we have a tremendous amount of footage to deal with, what with having as many as 4 tracks running at once. If you have any comments or suggestions on particular files, particularly if there seem to be technical issues with the encoding, please(!) let us know about it on the wiki. There's a good chance we will be able to improve the situation. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf7/videoteam/RecordingsRemarks -Eric Rz. DebConf7 video-team
Patrick Byrne
2007-Jul-23 08:40 UTC
[Vorbis] encoding vorbis in windows using on multi-core cpu
Hi, I have just realised that the otherwise-excellent lancer vorbis encoders do not actually use multiple cores when encoding mono streams*. It looks as though stereo streams get a core each, but mono stream encodes only run at 50% cpu. Does anyone know if work has been done previously on encoding mono streams across multiple cores? We stand to save a lot of time! Thanks Patrick * seen for the 'sse3mt encoder' -- Patrick Byrne, Frontier Developments Ltd dd +44 (0)1223 394300 fax +44 (0)1223 420005