similar to: Media Wiki Running

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Media Wiki Running"

2004 Oct 12
RFC: Shorewall wiki is going down!
Hello, In reference to ; Well, after a lot of emails I setup a wiki for shorewall, etc. It has proved to be completely useless. I have noticed one slight distro specific example added, a couple typo additions and fixes, otherwise, all contributions have been in excess (Tom...), or in malign. For my uses it has proven of little use as
2004 Jan 12
Shorewall FAQ Wiki Online, nearly complete...
Hello, Mike Noyes and myself have populated with the shorewall FAQ. This wiki is running MediaWiki, Currently, a couple items are not complete. I have just begun a heavy semester of mathematics/physics studies, and do not have much time to give to this. But, it is online, and seems to be stable. I will keep an eye out for abuse, and limit
2004 Jan 18
FAQ Wiki
It has been asserted that the use of CVS for maintaining the Shorewall documentation has been a barrier to community participation. To test this theory, Alex Martin has created a Wiki ( and with the help of Mike Noyes Alex has populated the Wiki with the Shorewall FAQ. Feedback is welcome. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a
2003 Dec 04
Shorewall Documentation Updates, Request for Input
Hello, I have the go ahead to fix documentation. For starters I will clean all extraneous crap from the markup. Then fix any errors and typos. If anyone sees any gramatical errors or typos or needed clarifications or expansions or whatever, please post them here. Or additional FAQ entries, etc, all will be considered. I hope to keep most of this conversation on the shorewall-devel list. Any
2003 Dec 07
Re: Shorewall-devel Digest, Vol 11, Issue 4
Hiya, > Ok with me -- if I get too frustrated with DocBook, I''ll just start > editing the HTML again. > > -Tom > Well the fact that VIM is supported by Docbook is a plus .. But I still think the Wiki idea is well .. Lets get the doc at a CVS and Docbook stage .. Walking before running .. plz plz .. Francesca PS: I have thrown Windoze out the Window here (Pardon The
2003 Dec 14
White space being removed from "Programlisting" elements
Good Morning Mike, I''m finding that when I load a document, XXE is blindly removing all "superfluous" white space from "programlisting" elements. This of course is leading to a real mess (check out the FAQ on the web site :-( ). What can I do to avoid this? -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \
2003 Dec 10
DocBook XML conversion progress
Everyone, Progress was slow today. I started out well, but then I ran into Documentation.htm. Progress slowed considerably, as I analyzed the document structure. I''m up to /etc/shorewall/hosts Configuration. I hope to finish Documentation.xml by tomorrow evening. Converted documents: 6to4.xml CorpNetwork.xml FAQ.xml Please post feedback, if you see any problems with the converted
2003 Dec 18
I''ll take this one next. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2003 Dec 26
Remaining .htm? files
Of the remaining HTML files in the Shorewall-docs/ project, the only ones that I want to convert to HTML are: standalone.htm two-interface.htm three-interface.htm Paul -- while file(s) are you working on? -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2003 Dec 24
XML Conversion
I''m working on shorewall_setup_guide.htm -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2004 Jan 09
Ideas for Shorewall 2.0
I''m beginning to think again about what will be different in 2.0. Here are some thoughts. a) User-defined actions will be emphasized. - A library of actions will be available with names such as: AcceptSSH AcceptDNS DropWindows (drops all SMB noise) DropBroadcasts (Silently drop all Broadcast traffic) ... The possibilities are nearly endless but should
2004 Jun 26
RSS News Feed
Tom, Can you/someone get a news feed setup for shorewall announcements? If not, I''ll have to make use of the shorewall rss feeds at SF. Project RSS Feeds: shorewall BTW, has links to some cool feeds. -- Mike Noyes <mhnoyes at>
2005 May 26
Shorewall development web site
Hi folks, Last night and this morning i''ve hacked up a quick web site for coordinating our development work based on Drupal ( You can find it at: I''ve put a few ideas in there - feel free to use the comments or sign up for an account and create your own pages (particularly in the two books about development and web site work).
2003 Dec 14
shorewall_features.htm converted to XML
I decided to join the party :-) -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2003 Dec 23
.vdx files
I have recreated one lost .vsd file (State_Diagram.vsd) and have exported XML Diagram Files (.vdx) corresponding to all of the .vsd files that I have. All of these files are now available in CVS (Shorewall-docs/images/) -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2003 Dec 26
Converted Files
I''ve converted a number of documents to XML over the last couple of days so if you haven''t updated from CVS, it would be a good idea to do so before tackling another file. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2003 Jan 06
SMTP external forward
I read several posts about SMTP being blocked at ISP. My ISP has the same limitation. My ADSL connection (1 fixed IP) only permits outbound connection to port 25 to their server. None of those posts answered my need. I tried FAQ also. I have several internal email clients/bots that needs to retrieve/send messages, some of then are notebooks. It''s not fair to change SMTP server to the
2003 Dec 11
Funny characters in
Hello Mike, Tom, (I am not sure who is working on this part) There are some funny characters in FAQ.htm in a number of places. I have provided a precursory analysis of this issue. It is not a big=20 deal, but something that I imagine will be worked out at some point. I have provided a couple examples. Is there a way I can see the xslt stylesheets? Could they live in cvs at some point? Maybe I
2003 Jan 06
samba problem on Mandrake 9.0
Happy New Year to everyone: I have followed the instructions at I''ve restarted the samba server, shorewall, rebooted, everything. And from my network I cannot browse available shares on the firewall ( telnet 138 fails with connection refused, which I don''t understand. All other open ports respond with a string. -- Philip
2003 Jan 09
AW: How do I configure 2 static net2net VPNs ov er one interface ipsec0?
Hi, Problem: I want 2 vpn tunnels for 2 subnets over one interface ipsec0. Documentation only describes config for 1 vpn or road warriors. I defined 2 vpn zones ''fre'' and ''swe''. #ZONE DISPLAY COMMENTS net Net Internet zone loc Local Local fre VPN_Fre VPN Fre swe VPN_Swe VPN Swe Interface ipsec0 is tunnel over eth1. Local is eth0. ipsec0 serves 2 zones: fre