On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 21:09 -0800, Tom Eastep wrote:
> Refer to http://shorewall.net/myfiles.htm for information on my
> configuration:
> a) On Ursa:
> 1) After the upgrade, both of the NICs were recognized as
> in YAST yet neither of them would start; ifup claimed that no
> configuration could be found for either interface. Only got them running
> again by deleting and re-adding them.
> 2) The MAC address of eth0 appeared to change (appears to be a shift
> right with big/little endian rotation). May be related to problem 1)
> since the configurations are tied to the MAC.
This is only slightly off-topic since it is going to bite anyone who
upgrades to a 2.6.8 or later kernel and who has Lite-On tulip cards
(such as the Netgear FA310TX) with a MAC address detected by older
kernels as beginning with 02:00. All Lite-On cards have the MAC address
byte-swapped in the card''s EEPROM but the older tulip drivers were only
"fixing" addresses beginning "A0:00" or "C0:00"
and were not fixing
addresses beginning "02:00". Starting with kernel 2.6.8, the driver is
also fixing "02:00" (and SuSE 9.2 includes a 2.6.8 Kernel).
This driver change is likely to appear in the 2.4 kernels at some point
as well so I am copying the LEAF list.
This diff listing shows what I''m talking about -- it is a change that I
had to make to my dhcpd.conf file to cause Ursa to continue to receive
the proper IP address:
gateway:~ # diff -au /etc/dhcpd.conf~ /etc/dhcpd.conf
--- /etc/dhcpd.conf~ 2004-09-26 18:33:05.000000000 -0700
+++ /etc/dhcpd.conf 2004-11-05 14:51:10.738655528 -0800
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
host ursa.shorewall.net {
- hardware ethernet 02:00:08:e3:4c:48;
+ hardware ethernet 00:02:e3:08:48:4c;
gateway:~ #
Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline, \ http://shorewall.net
Washington USA \ teastep@shorewall.net
PGP Public Key \ https://lists.shorewall.net/teastep.pgp.key