Hi everyone. I''m trying to get syslog to stop sending logging info to
the all of the ttys, as it makes doing anything on the box near
impossible with the firewall running.
I did a man syslog.conf, and then looked in the /etc/syslog.conf. I
commented out the xconsole stuff, and uncommented the part where he
(joey) says he likes to output to /dev/tty8 (which is what I want to do
as well). It works inasmuch as it sends the data to /dev/tty8 - but it
keeps sending it to every other tty as well! I do not want to be a pain,
but could someone _please_ send me a copy of their /etc/syslog.conf that
enables the turning off of the logging to the tty1-7, so I can get some
work done with the firewall on!