Martin Maechler <> writes:
> Maybe even
> qqplot(qt(ppoints(n), df=5), y,
> xlab='quantiles of t(* ,df=5)', ylab='data')
> WSt> and this could be shortened to
> WSt> qqplot(y, distribution='t', df=5)
> WSt> with an easy extension of the function.
> I found:
> Trellis in S-plus has
> qqmath(formula, distribution = qnorm, f.value = ppoints, ...),
> for your example
> qqmath( ~ y, distribution = function(p) qt(p, df=5), ...)
> which is slightly more general (also works with panels, banking to 45
> deg,..) but quite a bit more complicated to use for non-sophisticated
> What should we do / would we want for R?
Lets see. "qqplot(qt, y, df=5)" would be tempting save for the
complexities of separating parts of ... intended for the quantile
function from those intended for the plotting.
We could "easily" have qqplot(y, distrib=qt(p,df=5)), here's a
simplified variant:
f <- function(y,distrib){
p <- ppoints(length(y))
x <- eval(eval(substitute(substitute(distrib)),list(p=p)))
f(rnorm(100), distrib=qt(p,df=2))
The form, e.g., qqplot(qt, y, df=5, lty=3) may not be *all* that hard
to set up. It's just necessary to manipulate the argument list,
somewhat along the lines of
g <- function(p,...){
m<-match(names(l), names(formals(qt)))"qt", c(list(p=p), l[!]))
which is just a long-winded version of qt, except that it strips off
unused arguments.
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
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