L.P.H. van Belle
2019-Dec-20 09:01 UTC
[Samba] Debian Buster/Raspbian Buster Samba 4.11.4 now available on my repo.
Hai, Finaly the Debian and Raspbian Buster packages are online. ;-) If one want to rebuild these for an other Debian or Ubuntu version. Please take note of this table. The minimal dependecies needed to build 4.11.4 and what i used. Dependecies minimal LvB-Repo talloc '2.2.0' 2.3.1 tdb '1.4.2' 1.4.3 tevent '0.10.0' 0.10.2 ldb '2.0.8' 2.0.8 cmocka '1.1.3' 1.1.5 nss_wrapper '1.1.6' 1.1.7 resolv_wrapper '1.1.4' 1.1.5 uid_wrapper '1.2.4' 1.2.7 socket_wrapper '1.2.3' 1.2.3 pam_wrapper '1.0.7' 1.0.7 Then Samba All packages are synced against (again) with the Debian Official samba packages and used are the settings from Debian sid or Debian salsa (git). + my few small changes. ( like spotlight enabled ). If you need to rebuild more then samba only, then as the table is showing, do it in this order. ( the table top-down ) ----------- THE REPO SETUP --------------- 1) Choose http or https for you apt, both work, for https you need to : apt-get install apt-transport-https 2) Import my public key wget -O - apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add - 3) (optional) setup a header line for the repo file. echo "# AptVanBelle repo for samba." | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list 4) In the line below, change the OS and/or samba version to what you want. # For debian Buster ( repo name = buster-samba411 ) echo "deb apt.van-belle.nl/debian buster-samba411 main contrib non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list # For raspbian Buster ( repo name = raspbian-buster-samba411 ) echo "deb apt.van-belle.nl/debian raspbian-buster-samba411 main contrib non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list Have fun with these. Greetz, Louis
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Ubuntu Bionic Samba 4.11.4 now available on my repo.
- Debian Buster 4.11Rc2 package available
- Buster samba 4.11.1 availabe for testing.
- Compiling samba4 hangs at [1815/3978] Compiling librpc/ndr/ndr_basic.c
- samba 4.5.0 on HPUX(IA-64) make quicktest fails with error Failed to add entry for user.