My plan was to release the all of the coming builds of 4.11.1 today..
But... There are still processes building..
So whats new, what is there and what is not there.
The 4.11.1 is based on the Debian Testing 4.11.0.
My changes.
* d/control changes:
- Package samba, added acl to Recommends, obligated for member and
- re-enabled trackers to allow spotlight to build.
* d/rules changes:
- enable spotlight.
- Use -l option to dh_shlibdeps instead of changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Use --with-libcephfs within rados dh_shlibdeps section
fixed cannot find library libceph-common.so.0 on Debian Buster
Debian Official disabled spotlight support, due to the extra packages pulled in.
There is work going on, to reduce these packages, but since people use it, i
re-added it.
But that the bigest change compaired to the debian Official packages.
There were problems building due to, not finding LD_LIBRARY_PATH variabele,
but as showed it solved.
I've had multiple request for building also for raspbian, that is still the
Currently still running (darn slow) : debian buster armhf.
I made a change in the version numberings.
Per example.
libnss-wrapper 1.1.6-0.2~buster~1
Name Version-0. < if you see 0.X , the 0 these are not yet available on
debian server.
Name Version-1. < if you see 1.X , the 1.x or up. are from debian
official server, rebuilded for/on buster.
Name Version-0.2 < if you see 0.2, the .2 (.1 and up) major fixed by me,
on this version.
Name buster~1 < if you see for buster, ~1 first version, increase only
with minor fixes by me, on this version.
This way your now able to track the debian and my changes in the version
Next in line to build for 4.11.1
- Ubuntu Bionic, ( amd64/i386 )
- Raspbian buster, ( armhf )
So rasbian people be patience.. Yes more patience.. ;-) im also ..
The current armhf build for buster started 2.5 hours ago.. Pff.. And its now at
about 25% of total..
So, howto use these with my repo. See also https://apt.van-belle.nl/
First you need the buster-samba411 repo to get the needed packages.
For the 4.11 package i've made a full rebuild of all needed build depends
So if you want to play with it youself, here you go, these are all available.
buster-samba411|main|source: cmocka 1.1.5-2.1~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: ldb 2:2.0.7-3.1~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: nss-wrapper 1.1.6-0.2~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: pam-wrapper 1.0.7-2.1~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: resolv-wrapper 1.1.5-1.1~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: socket-wrapper 1.2.3-1.1~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: talloc 2.3.0-2.2~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: tdb 1.4.2-2.2~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: tevent 0.10.1-3.2~buster~1
buster-samba411|main|source: uid-wrapper 1.2.7-0.1~buster~1
And all deb packages offcourse..
On the buster-samba411 the armhf is already enabled, but as said, it still
building, so its not there (yet).
Build logs, currently these are not online, these will come but due to the not
I've killed my old build server and made a full new setup, where i have a
few things todo in my script that drives the builds.
One part of that is added the build logs to my uploads, for some reason my
buildlog only writes _amd64.build,
and when the next arch starts building it overrides the amd64. thats high on my
list for next week.
----------- THE REPO SETUP ---------------
- Import my key.
wget -O - http://apt.van-belle.nl/louis-van-belle.gpg-key.asc | apt-key add -
- optional) setup a header line for the repo file.
echo "# AptVanBelle repo for samba." | sudo tee
- In the line below, change the OS and/or samba version to what you want. Shown
is debian stretch with samba 4.10.
echo "deb http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian buster-samba411 main contrib
non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list
echo "deb http://apt.van-belle.nl/debian buster-experimental main contrib
non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list
That fine, but you MUST use : apt dist-upgrade
Because this needs to happen:
apt dist-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libldb1 is replaced by libldb2.
The Samba 4.11.1 packages are in the buster-experimental line, when the setup is
complete these will move to samba-411 and experimental will be cleared.
! Never leave experimantal enable if you are using auto-upgrade. !
So that is for today, some can already enjoy the 4.11 packages now, some have to
wait more.
If i have some extra time this weekend, i'll see if i can do some more on
the other builds.
Long email, at least all info is there.
Enjoy !
So far, have a great weekend everybody.